Basilica of San Piero a Grado

The stone of San Clemente: inside, under the late Gothic ciborium, stands the column of St. Peter, on which the Apostle placed a large stone to celebrate mass. Around it are the remains of the first early Christian church from the fifth century, with a single apse and of the three-apse church from the eighth century. According to tradition, San Clemente, in the act of consecrating the altar of Peter, had an episode of epistaxis and a few drops of his blood fell on the stone slab. Today, that stone fragment is in the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo in Pisa.
Concerto di musica classica nella Basilica di San Piero a Grado
Basilica di San Pietro A Grado
La basilica di San Piero a Grado: i misteri, gli scavi e gli affreschi
Basilica di San Piero a Grado