Veduta aerea Calambrone _ foto con drone (M. Boi, Comune di Pisa)
Veduta aerea spiaggia di Calambrone _ foto con drone (M. Boi, Comune di Pisa)Also Calambrone, like Tirrenia, was born in the Fascist era, as we can still see in the architecture of the old bathing facilities, in the theatre and in some other buildings. In those times, the style focused on simplicity, concision, precision of the lines and architectural geometry. Calambrone was called 'the city of children' because many of them spent the summer here, in the beach facilities built along the coast. In 1932 the largest Italian establishment was built by architect Angiolo Mazzoni Del Grande with a plan reminiscent of a driving shaft, to pay homage to Futurism and the myth of the machine. This facility, named after the mother of the Duce Rosa Maltoni Mussolini, is one of the symbols of Italian rationalist and futurist architecture. In the early 2000s Calambrone was redeveloped and today many structures host vacationers thanks to the large sandy beaches. In the area we find the Eliopoli centre, with shops and a residential area, campsites and restaurants... Thanks to its exposure to the wind and waves, Calambrone is a meeting point for surfers, kite surfers and windsurfers. The following film was made in this location.Calambrone and its bathing facilities were the set of some scenes of the film Tuttia casa (Everybody go Home) (1960) by Luigi Comencini. The film won the jury prize at the Moscow Film Festival and twoDavid di Donatello awards, awarded to Alberto Sordi and producer Dino De Laurentis, and was placed on the list of the '100 Italian films to save'. The barracks in one of the initial scenes is the Rosa Maltoni Mussolini beach facility of Calambrone.