Palazzo Toscanelli, lungarno Mediceo

Quot. I live in a feudal palace on the Arno, famous and ancient, large enough to house a garrison, with prisons below and cells in the walls. This mansion is so full of ghosts that the educated Fletcher (my butler) asked for permission to change his room, but he also refused to occupy the new one because there were more ghosts in the latter than in the previous on. (as in all old buildings), which have terrified the servants so much as to cause me no little annoyance. The house belonged to the Lanfranchi family (the same family recalled by Ugolino in his dream, as his persecutor with Sismondi). The staircase, it is said, was rebuilt by Michelangelo. The temperature here is very mild; it doesn't need fire. What climate!
Lord Byron, Diary, 4 December 1821, letter to Murray
Pisa e il suo territorio dal Medioevo ad oggi
Palazzo Toscanelli e Palazzo Franchetti