Pisa and the Arab World. Exhibition in the State Archives in Pisa

Pisa e il mondo arabo. Mostra in Archivio di Stato a Pisa
Pisa e il mondo arabo. Mostra in Archivio di Stato a Pisa
Archivio di Stato
Start date: 
End date: 

On the occasion of Fibonacci Day on 23 November, the international day dedicated to the Pisan mathematician who was the first to introduce Arabic numerals and the zero into the West, the State Archives of Pisa are inaugurating the exhibition "Pisa and the Arab World", which will remain open until 23 January 2024.

The exhibition is linked to a series of initiatives involving the Museo Nazionale di San Matteo, the University of Pisa and Palazzo Blu.

The exhibition focuses on the intense relations between Pisa and North Africa from the 12th to the entire 14th century and presents the originals of the most significant peace and trade treaties stipulated between the Pisan authorities and the authorities of cities such as Tunis, Bona and Bugia, and Fez. These documents are dense with information, but also astonishing in size and quality: the Arabic originals display masterpieces of calligraphy, capable of astonishing and fascinating, and the length of the paper or parchment supports can be up to 10 metres.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
