From 30 June to 8 July 2023 the Pisa Folk Festival returns with its 21st edition with dance, concerts, meetings and food in the beautiful location of Giardino Scotto!
Here is the programme of the event:
30 JUNE, 9 PM- GIARDINO SCOTTO (free admission)
Yarákä opening act followed by CANTI E PIZZICHE DEL SALENTO special guest: Antonio Castrignanò and Ninfa Giannuzzi. A double concert for an evening dedicated to Puglia, a journey from Taranto to the extreme Salento with Antonio Castrignanò, Ninfa Giannuzzi, Rocco Nigro, Emanuele Licci, Gianni Gelao, Luigi Marra.
1 JULY- FROM 4 TO 7 PM. - Jazz Road Club (Via Bovio)
Intensive PIZZICA PIZZICA workshop with Franca Tarantino
The workshop is an invitation to a journey into the culture, musical and choreographic traditions of Salento in Lecce. The pizzica pizzica, the dance of the feast, is the dance of our grandparents, an expression of the peasant world. This dance has long been forgotten, removed. Since the post-war period, only in some areas of Salento has it continued to live on, and fortunately it has survived to this day. Comfortable clothing (skirt), low-heeled shoes are recommended. The workshop will take place with a minimum of 8 participants, in case of failure the participation fee will be refunded.
INFO -> full price ticket €15.00 and reduced price ticket €10.00 (students, pupils of Pisa Dance Schools, traditional dance courses and members Ass. PisaFolk). Booking open until 28 June 2023.
2 JULY- 6.30 PM- Chiostra del Palazzo della Carovana, Scuola Normale Superiore (free admission)
Meeting "Traditions and emotions" with Ilaria Gaspari and Marco Amerighi,
Introduced by: Antonio Santoro, Artistic Director Pisa Folk Festival
Dialogue with the authors: Sandro Noto, editor of Seconda Cronaca
Traditions and emotions, a multi-voice dialogue between some of the most important contemporary Italian writers. The theme of confrontation and the relationship with one's land of origin and with the cities of landing has always been a focus of the Pisa Folk Festival. In the meeting, different worlds will confront each other, recounting the anxieties of our time, a distinctive and common trait of entire generations. Between departures, returns, chance encounters, provincial towns and European cities, the writers involved will dialogue with the audience in the auditorium, delving into the innermost emotions of young people and adults.
Concert "SHE, هي, ELLE, LEI, - VOICES OF WATER AND EARTH, SOUNDS OF SEA AND SAND". Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio, Ginevra Di Marco and Almar'à the Arab Women's Orchestra
Fifteen female musicians and singers from some of the most fascinating cultural and orchestral experiences ever - Almar'à the Arab and Mediterranean women's orchestra and the Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio - together with one of the most representative female voices of an imaginary world open to other cultures, Ginevra Di Marco, will give life to the concert "She, هي, elle, lei - voci di acqua e di terra, suoni di mare e di sabbia" (She, هي, she - voices of water and earth, sounds of sea and sand): an absolute novelty. The project dedicated to a multicultural female universe evokes, with new and more or less well-known songs and tracks, stories and tales of deserts, people from near and far lands, dances, hopes, births, goodbyes and new beginnings.
"She, هي, elle, lei" is conceived and produced by Toscana Produzione Musica, the new music production centre created with the aim of providing not only a development context for artistic paths of excellence, but also to foster the growth of a heterogeneous and curious audience.
PEPPE BARRA in concert
The thousand and one resurrections of the Neapolitan soul, this is Peppe Barra. Through the mimic-gestural 'possessions' of his mask and the formidable qualities of his voice, he succeeds in uniting the cultured tradition with the popular one. He constitutes a unique example of memory between the Neapolitan baroque of the 16th and 17th centuries and its modern evolution, up to the contemporary world music. Music and theatre, constantly oscillating between tradition and innovation, are masterfully embodied by an extraordinary artist who for more than forty years has been telling the story of his city, animated by simple figures, with a profoundly popular and authentic culture, a city that throbs, laughs and suffers in the constant search for its identity.
For more information on events and purchasing tickets http://www.pisafolk.org/info/pisafolkfestival2023/
Organisation and planning: PisaFolk Association
With the contribution of: Pisa Foundation and Municipality of Pisa
Under the patronage of Scuola Normale Superiore
Partners: Toscana Produzione Musica, Ass. Studentesca Ritmi Meridiani
Media Partners: YStudium
All illustrations by: Disegnacci
Artistic direction: Antonio Santoro