The Compagnia Balestrieri di Pisa is organising, in collaboration with the Opera della Primaziale Pisana and with the patronage of the Region of Tuscany, the Municipality of Pisa and the Associazione Amici del Gioco del Ponte, the "II Trofeo Umberto Moschini": an antique crossbow shooting tournament organised to commemorate Cav. Umberto Moschini, who passed away on 17 March 2021 and who was one of the creators and founders of the Compagnia Balestrieri di Pisa, holding the office of President from 1977 to 2008 and Honorary President from 2010.
The event, which will take place on Sunday 9 October in Piazza del Duomo between the Baptistery and the Urban Walls, will begin at 3.00 p.m. with the historical procession that will cross Piazza del Duomo, followed by the crossbowmen's competition first on a flat target, which will designate the winning team, and then on a conical target that will designate the winner of the individual tournament. The Flag-wavers and Musicians of the City of Pisa group and the Ordo Civitas Pisarum association will be present.