Arsenali Repubblicani
Start date:
End date:
On Saturday 13 April and Sunday 14 April 2024 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. the Republican Arsenals will host 'The Magic of Wellness': wellness and magic operators will be present with their products and services
An intensive programme of lectures and demonstrations will enrich the programme on these two days:
- Energy therapies
- Massages
- Coaching
- Counselling
- Yoga
- Tantra
- Reiki
- Bach Flowers
- Constellations
- Tarot
- Articles for Magic
- Stones
- Clothing
- Esoteric accessories
Important exhibitors from all over Tuscany and beyond will be present.
The event is organised by Associazione Aurea Eventi, https://naturalmente-eventi.it/