Four performances dedicated to the four primordial elements (air, water, fire, earth) that will transform as many city spaces of historical and museum value into places of artistic expression and ecological awareness.
"Dimensione Zero" is the project, which aims through performance art to stimulate environmental awareness in order to inspire change and discuss the environmental challenges of our time, exploring man's relationship with the environment, highlighting the consequences of human actions on the ecosystem and inviting everyone to join in building a conscious future.
The 4 performances will take the audience to a hypothetical imaginary future. Each performance will be unique, created for the element in question, and will be accompanied not only by dance but also by a special video creation and a musical project, offering an engaging and stimulating experience for collective reflection. All appointments are free of charge, starting at 20.45 and repeated at 21.30. Reservations are required by writing to segreteriaparallelo@gmail.com.
This is the calendar of events
- 04 May, Cittadella Galileiana (Ex Macelli Pubblici) - Performance "La Terra" (The Earth)
- 18 May, Museo di San Matteo - Performance "The Air" (during the European Museums Day)
- 1 June, Citadel Tower - "The Fire" Performance
- 8 June, Museo delle Navi Antiche - Performance "Cosi limpida scorre l'Acqua" (during the Giugno Pisano)
The "Dimensione Zero" project is promoted by the association Parallelo Dance with the patronage of the Municipality of Pisa, Fondazione Pisa, Le Navi Antiche di Pisa and the Regional Directorate of Museums of Tuscany. The associations MistralMouvmentArt, P.U.M., A.M.E.F. and FUNDANCE FAMILY collaborate in the project.