A rich program of events to animate the Pisan coast and enhance the tourist offer. Starts Saturday, June 29, to end on September 28, the exhibition "Marenia NonSoloMare 2024", promoted by the Municipality of Pisa, with the participation of the North West Chamber of Commerce and with the collaboration of Teatro di Pisa, Confcommercio Pisa, Proloco Litorale Pisano and Eliopoli. The program of events, which will involve Marina, Tirrenia and Calambrone with meetings, presentations, concerts, shows for children and talent shows, all free admission.
As in previous years the redeveloped Parco di Ciclilandia in Tirrenia in Piazza dei Fiori will be the garden on the coast that will host the exhibition Dialoghi d'autore. From 6 July to 27 July a rich calendar of book presentations and meetings with authors by the bookshops of Pisa, which will give way to listen and dialogue with different authors. This year the initiative was organized with the participation of two bookshops: Libreria Pellegrini, Libreria Civico 14. Among the many guests the authors Riccardo Chiaberge, Walter Siti, Rossella Martina, Veronica Galletta, Maria Pia Pagani, Aura Cenni and Lorenzo Donati, Gigi Paoli and Antonio Socci.
Program at https://www.turismo.pisa.it/en/eventi/dialoghi-d-autore-2024
On the bill also events for physical well-being ("Yoga at the sea") and creative workshops for children with events in Marina di Pisa (Garden of schools Viviani) with "Teatrino del Sole" (July 5 to August 9).
More information here: https://www.turismo.pisa.it/en/eventi/Teatrino-del-Sole-2024
Always inTirrenia, in piazza Belvedere, is scheduled "July in music" with 4 musical evenings. The premiere (16 July) with the concert of three songwriters dedicated to Dalla Battisti and Battiato, followed by an evening tribute to Raffaella Carrà with Beatrice Baldaccini (17 July), one dedicated to the Mythical 80s, with guests icons of the decade as Sandy Marton and Tracy Spencer together with the group Le Dolce Vita (July 18). On July 19 appointment with The Blue Night of Tirrenia and with SergioFrisciaDjSet Live Animation.
More info: https://www.turismo.pisa.it/en/eventi/july-in-music-2024
In Marina di Pisa in piazza delle Baleari from 18 to 21 August space to major musical events with live music concerts. To take the stage will be Colapesce Dimartino (18 August), Dire Straits Legacy (19 August) and French Saints (21 August). On August 20, always in the Balearic square, the final of the talent show Notti di Talento, promoted by La Nazione. Among other events scheduled Marina Dance Parade (5 July) in collaboration with Confcommercio Pisa.
More info: https://www.turismo.pisa.it/en/eventi/august-in-music-2024
In Calambrone,instead, will take place "Eliopoli Summer" (Piazza A. Madonna) with live music, meetings, shows and talk shows that will animate the square of Eliopoli throughout the summer.
Sunday, September 8 the appointment with the now traditional and expected fireworks display on the seafront of Marina. - POSTPONED DUE TO BAD WEATHER TO SATURDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 2024
Saturday 29 June at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna - Calambrone)
Concert Tribute Band Planet Zero
Sunday 30 June at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna - Calambrone)
"Tonight nature is fit", exhibition of aerial fabric, total body, fit music and game sport cusa of Solidago Fitness ASD of Calambrone.
Thursday 4 July at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna -Calambrone)
Evening dedicated to the Sport of the Province of Pisa.
Friday 5 July
- from 7 pm - in Marina di Pisa
Marina Dance Parade by Confcommercio Provincia di Pisa.
More information here: https://www.turismo.pisa.it/en/eventi/marina-dance-parade-2024
- 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Tazenda Concert in collaboration with the Sardinian Cultural Association "Grazia Deledda" Pisa.
- 9.30 pm - at Giardino delle Scuole Viviani (Via Arnino 4 - Marina di Pisa)
Teatrino del Sole presents "I Tre Porcellini Accettella Teatro" - Rome (Puppets and actor).
Saturday 6 July
- 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
La Nazione presenta Notti di Talento - Summer edition (preliminary phase).
- 9.30 pm - DIALOGHI D'AUTORE at Parco di Ciclilandia (Piazza dei Fiori)
Libreria Pellegrini presents Riccardo Chiaberge "Wireless - Scienza, Amori e avventure di Guglielmo Marconi" (Garzanti, 2024). Dialogue with the author Matteo Pelliti.
Sunday 7 July at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
"Pisaintilt Summer Gala", performance of classical, modern and hip hop dance by Scuola Danza Bodylab Pisa and the students participating in the Pisaintitl Summer Stage.
Wednesday 10 July at 9.30 pm - DIALOGHI D'AUTORE at Parco di Ciclilandia (Piazza dei Fiori)
Libreria Pellegrini presents Walter Siti "I figli sono finito" (Rizzoli, 2024).
Thursday 11 July at 9.30 pm - DIALOGHI D'AUTORE at Parco di Ciclilandia (Piazza dei Fiori)
Libreria Civico 14 presents Rossella Martina Puccini "Glory and torment" (dreambook editions, nonfiction series).
Performance of Puccini arias of female characters mentioned in the book.
Dialogue with the author Francesco Meucci journalist La Nazione Lucca.
Friday 12 July at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Talk Show Friday From Star. Massimo Marini presents Paolo Conticini (actor), Ubaldo Pantani (comedian), Michele Conti (Mayor of Pisa), Andrea Bottone (president of PISAMO) and Andrea Valeri (guitarist).
Sabato 13 Luglio ore 21:30 - DIALOGHI D'AUTORE presso Parco di Ciclilandia (Piazza dei Fiori)
Libreria Civico 14 presenta Veronica Galletta “Pelleossa” (minimum fax, 2024)
Dialoga con l’autrice Barbara Idda, drammaturga e scrittrice.
Saturday 13 July at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Sunday 14 July at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
La Nazione presents Notti di Talento - Summer edition (preliminary phase).
Tuesday 16 July at 9.30 pm - JULY IN MUSIC at Piazza Belvedere (Tirrenia)
Concert Tre Cantautori. Journey through the music of Battiato, Battisti, Dalla.
Wednesday 17 July at 9.30 pm - JULY IN MUSIC at Piazza Belvedere (Tirrenia)
Musical Tribute to Raffaella Carrà
Thursday 18 July at 9.30 pm - JULY IN MUSIC at Piazza Belvedere (Tirrenia)
The Mythical 80’s.
Friday 19 July
- 9.30 pm - JULY IN MUSIC at Piazza Belvedere (Tirrenia); Info: https://www.turismo.pisa.it/en/eventi/notte-blu-at-tirrenia-2024
La Notte Blu with Sergio FrisciaDj Set Live Animation by Confcommercio.
- 9.30 pm - at Giardino delle Scuole Viviani (Via Arnino 4 - Marina di Pisa)
Teatrino del Sole presents "Cappuccetto Rosso i Guardiani dell’Oca – Chieti" (Puppets and actor).
- 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Talk Show Friday From Star. Lifetime Achievement Award to Ronn Moss (actor) and Claudio Gregori in art Greg (comedian) with Martina Iacomelli (actress), Rossan Signorini (president Geofor Spa), Giulia Gambini (Councillor for the Environment of the City of Pisa). Presents the evening Massimo Marini. The Councillor of the City of Pisa, Paolo Pesciatini.
Sabato 20 July at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
A long journey in music with the songs of Matia Bazar with Silvia Mezzanotte and Carlo Marrale.
Sunday 10 July
- 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Comedy Show - Gianmaria Vassallo accompanied by master Eric Medri in "TUTTOTOSCANO" - Teatro Canzone. The new theater-song show signed by the cursed Tuscan, Gianmaria Vassallo. A challenge against the time of laughing "all Tuscan".
- 9.30 pm - DIALOGHI D'AUTORE at Parco di Ciclilandia (Piazza dei Fiori)
Libreria Civico 14 presents “Creature di poesia. Vita in versi di Eleonora Duse” (Ianieri edizioni, 2023). Readings by Barbara Idda, playwright and writer, interpreted by Edoardo Bacchelli and Alessandra Donati.
Wednesday 24 July at 9.30 pm - DIALOGHI D'AUTORE at Parco di Ciclilandia (Piazza dei Fiori)
Libreria Pellegrini presents Aura Cenni e Lorenzo Donati “Ogni storia è una fine” (Mondadori, 2024). The novel is presented by Riccardo Nencini, president of the Gabinetto Viesseux in Florence.
Friday 26 July
- 9:30 pm - DIALOGHI D'AUTORE at Parco di Ciclilandia (Piazza dei Fiori)
Libreria Civico 14 presents Gigi Paoli. “Oltre” (Giunti, 2024).
Dialogue with the author Nadia Chiaverini, writer and poet from Pisa, Francesco Meucci journalist of La Nazione.
- 9.30 pm - at Giardino delle Scuole Viviani (Via Arnino 4 - Marina di Pisa)
Teatrino del Sole presents "AHI AHI AHI, SI SCIOLGONO I GHIACCIAI GLI ALCUNI TEATRO" - Treviso (Attore, Videoproiezione e Pupazzi)
- 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Talk Show Venerdì Da Star. Massimo Marini presents Claudio Cecchetto, dj Steve Martin – Paolo Pesciatini Assessore Comune Pisa.
Saturday 27 July
- 9.30 pm - DIALOGHI D'AUTORE at Parco di Ciclilandia (Piazza dei Fiori)
Libreria Pellegrini presents: Antonio Socci “Dio abita in Toscana – Viaggio nel cuore cristiano dell'identità occidentale” (Rizzoli, 2024).
- ore 22:00 - presso Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Concert Tribute Band Elvis Presley.
Sunday 28 July at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
La Nazione presents Notti di Talento - Summer edition (preliminary phase).
Friday 2 August
- 9.30 pm - at Giardino delle Scuole Viviani (Via Arnino 4 - Marina di Pisa)
Teatrino del Sole presents "Trecce Rosse Teatro Del Drago" - Ravenna (Puppets)
- 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Talk Show Friday From Star. Massimo Marini presents Carolina Crescentini (actress), Gianfranco Butinar (imitator), Imma Battaglia (influencer), Luciano Del Seppia (president I Navicelli) and Sandra Capuzzi (president of the Ass. Sardinian cultural "Grazia Deledda Pisa".
Saturday 3 August at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
La Nazione presents Notti di Talento - Summer edition (preliminary phase).
Sunday 4 August at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Baby dance and group dances for families and children.
Friday 9 August
- 9.30 pm - at Giardino delle Scuole Viviani (Via Arnino 4 - Marina di Pisa)
Teatrino del Sole presents "Biancaneve e i sette Nani Tieffeu" - Perugia (Figure Da Tavolo)
- 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Talk Show Friday From Star. Massimo Marini presents Eugenio Giani (president of the Tuscany Region), Katia Beni (actress), Donatella Diamanti (screenwriter and playwright), Beatrice Mazzanti in art Freakybea (singer and performer), Cristina Manetti (President Museo Casa Dante and creator of Toscana delle Donne).
Saturday 10 August at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
La Nazione presents Notti di Talento - Summer edition (semi-final).
Sunday 11 August - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Eliopoli Kids - Eliopoli incantata - exhibition of street artists:
- 10 pm on stage, l'Abile Teatro in "Mago per svago". Conceived as a silent show is anything but silent. A magician, his show and an assistant with great desires, a succession of magic and comic juggling;
- 11 pm on the lawn, Los Filonauta in "Naufraghi per scelta". Funambolismo in its theatrical form where circus technique and theatrical suggestion create a dreamlike world convolgente for all ages;
- traveling, Lucia de I Chicchi d'Uva in "Lumus Incanta". A trampoline that seems to touch the sky with the tips of the feet, jumping between the stars.
Tuesday 13 August at 10 pm - at Terrazza del Bagno Imperiale (Tirrenia)
Final of the contest Miss Littoral by the Proloco Litorale Pisano.
Sunday 18 August
- 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Eliopoli Kids. Baby dance, group dances and soap bubbles by Matteo Ghibellini Animation.
Sunday 18 August at 9.30 pm - AUGUST IN MUSIC at Piazza delle Baleari (Marina di Pisa) - CANCELLED DUE TO BAD WEATHER
Monday 19 August at 9.30 pm - AUGUST IN MUSIC at Piazza delle Baleari (Marina di Pisa)
Dire Straits Legacy concert.
Tuesday 20 August at 9.30 pm - AUGUST IN MUSIC at Piazza delle Baleari (Marina di Pisa)
La Nazione presents Notti di Talento - Summer edition (the final).
Wednesday 21 August at 9.30 pm - AUGUST IN MUSIC at Piazza delle Baleari (Marina di Pisa)
Friday 23 August at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Talk Show Friday From Star. Massimo Marini presents Homage To Marcello Martial De "The Crimes Of The Barlume" with various characters of the serial tv.
Saturday 24 August at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna - Calambrone)
Tribute Band 80’s Trash - Italian Music
Sunday 25 August at 10 pm - at Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Eliopoli Kids presents "Se Pinocchio Fosse Cappuccetto Rosso" by Nata Teatro. Mixed animation techniques with puppets, puppets and actors.
Saturday 31 August - Marina di Pisa
VI edition Photo contest "The sea and its people" organized by Proloco Litorale.
Sunday 1 September at 10 pm - presso Eliopoli Summer (Piazza Antonio Madonna – Calambrone)
Performance and national breakdance competition by Banana Rockerz Crew.
Sunday 8 September from 11 pm - Marina di Pisa - POSTPONED DUE TO BAD WEATHER TO SATURDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 2024
Traditional appointment with the fireworks display on the seafront of Marina di Pisa.
Sunday 22 September from 7 to 8.30 pm - at Piazza Belvedere (Tirrenia)
Appointment with "Yoga for peace" of New Indigo Body.
Saturday 28 September at 4 pm - at Grand Hotel Golf (via dell'Edera 29, Tirrenia)
Award ceremony Literary Prize "The Dolphin" National narrative, poetry and non-fiction organized by Proloco Litorale.