From next weekend, the appointment with "Marenia NonSoloMare" returns, a program of events for summer 2021 on the Pisan coast until September. "Marenia" is in fact divided into a multiplicity of exhibitions and activities, which differ in offer and location, embracing all the centers of the coast from Marina di Pisa to Tirrenia and Calambrone. Many appointments are scheduled, from "Author's Dialogues" with writers such as Nicola Lagioia (July 2), Gene Gnocchi (July 10), Marco Balzano (July 16), Roberto Piumini (July 18), to concerts for a thousand spectators with Umberto Tozzi (7 August), Marina Rei (10 August), Andy dei Bluvertigo (11 August), to many other appointments also with the Pro Loco Litorale Pisano and for the little ones with the shows of the Teatrino del Sole (from 2 to 30 July ). In Calambrone from 25 June to 5 September, "Eliopoli Summer" will take place with live music, meetings, shows and talk shows. The first is Friday 25 June with Rezophonic in concert and Roy Paci and Marco Garrincha special guest. Meanwhile, in Piazza Belvedere in Tirrenia, Sunday 27 June will be the first of 5 evenings of music and entertainment with the Radio Bruno truck.
"Marenia NonSoloMare" is the review of summer events promoted by the Municipality of Pisa, Department of Tourism, with the contribution of the Chamber of Commerce of Pisa, the collaboration of the Verdi Theater Foundation of Pisa, the support of Confcommercio province of Pisa, Confesercenti Toscana Nord , Pro Loco Litorale Pisano and the participation of the cultural association Eliopoli and of the independent libraries of the city and the coast. All appointments are free, subject to availability. Reservations required: reservationsmarenia21@gmail.com
Marenia 2021 - The program
Author's Dialogues (2 - 25 July)
A review of literary meetings, curated by independent Pisan bookstores. Twelve evenings during which authors who present their works will alternate in Marina di Pisa (port of Marina, piazzale delle Capitanerie di Porto). Special guests and city personalities will moderate the meetings. The meetings will take place during all weekends of July and will range from fiction to non-fiction, embracing different genres and styles.
Friday 2 July (9.30 pm), edited by the Tra le Righe bookshop, Nicola Lagioia presents “The city of the living” (Einaudi). Talk to the author Danilo Soscia. In March 2016, in an anonymous apartment in the Roman suburbs, two boys from a good family, Manuel Foffo and Marco Prato, tortured a younger boy, Luca Varani, leading him to a slow and terrible death. The news immediately attracts attention, deeply upsetting public opinion.
Saturday 3 July (9.30 pm), edited by the Gli Anni in Tasca bookshop, Ilide Carmignani presents "The Story of Luis Sepùlveda and his cat Zorba" (Salani) Chiara Aurora Gagliano moderates the meeting. This is the fable of Sepùlveda, the unforgettable author of Story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly and many other novels, and it is itself the story of her life told to a cat. An adventurous, generous and intense life, "incandescent" as he himself says, told as a sweet and strong tale - so he was - by Ilide Carmignani, his translator and friend.
Sunday 4th July (9.30 pm), edited by Libreria Erasmus, Guido Tonelli presents “Tempo. The dream of killing Chronos ”. Chrònos is a mystery, and not just for physicists. It was for the first men and it continues to be for us today. From Newton to Hamlet, from Einstein to Dalì, time has been the protagonist of dizzying, fascinating and monstrous metamorphosis. Exists? Can it be stopped? And can it be reversed? Guido Tonelli guides us along the tortuous way of accessing the understanding of a reality that is very different from what we believe it to be.
Friday 9 July (9.30 pm), edited by Libreria Pellegrini, on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, from the pages of a book by Davide Rondoni to the performance: “Per lei. And for everyone. Notes, voices and dances on Dante and love ". Participants Davide Rondoni, Chiara Ciribello (singing), Paola Spencer (dances).
Saturday 10 July (9.30 pm), curated by Libreria Fogola, Gene Gnocchi presents “Il gusto puffo” (Solferino). Journalist and writer Chiara Cini talks with the author. We are a smurf-flavored humanity, let's face it. Each proud of its color a little over the top but without the courage of a difference in personality beyond that indefinable flavor that tends to vanilla. Gene Gnocchi builds, piece by piece, a mosaic of personal and collective stories.
Sunday 11 July (9.30 pm) by Libreria Pellegrini, Giovanni Scifoni presents “Without offending anyone” (Mondadori). Interview with the author Massimo Trocchi. Twenty-one experiences of daily conflicts in which the protagonist will meet Buddhist actors, Catholic Leagueists, militant atheists, LGBTQ + activists, in search of the solution to load someone else's dishwasher without offending anyone.
Thursday 15 July (9.30 pm), edited by Libreria Civico 14, Franco Arminio presents a poetic reading accompanied by the Pisan musician Massimo Cappellini.
Friday 16 July (9.30 pm), edited by Libreria Fogola, Marco Balzano presents “When I return” (Einaudi). Journalist and writer Chiara Cini talks with the author. Daniela has an idle husband, two teenage children and an increasingly precarious job. One night she runs away from home like a thief, looking for something that can straighten the existence of the people she loves - and maybe she too. The only way is to leave Romania to reach Italy. Instead, he should be away for a short time.
Saturday 17 July (9.30 pm), edited by Libreria Gli Anni in Tasca, Silvia Vecchini, Antonio “Sualzo” Vincenti, present “Words can do everything” (Il Castoro). Matteo Pelliti moderates the meeting. Sara doesn't talk much. Too many things have happened: the accident, the separation of her parents, the quarrel with her best friend. Something inside her got stuck. But fate puts an unexpected teacher on her path: the elderly Mr. T, with his ancient stories and obsession with the Hebrew alphabet, which Sara begins to learn.
Sunday 18 July (9.30 pm), curated by the Children's Library, presents "Get up Martin, Ballad of Martin Luther King" (Solferino). Text by Roberto Piumini, music by Nadio Marenco. It is an epic centered on a modern hero, which recovers the form of the poem in octaves and of the gospel to restore the ancient flavor of the black struggle. A story that no children, young people, adults should ever lose sight of: that of a just cause to believe in and to fight for.
Saturday 24 July (9.30 pm), edited by the Libreria dei Ragazzi, presents “The Divine Comedy. The first step into the dark forest ”(Einaudi Ragazzi). Text by Daniele Aristarco, illustrations by Marco Somà. In the seven hundred years since the death of Dante Alighieri, an illustrated album to take the first steps in the work of the Florentine poet. An object of astonishment that adds the beauty of Marco Somà's tables to the passionate text of Daniele Aristarco. Two new views on the "Divine Comedy", able to dialogue with the curiosity and imagination of the readers.
Sunday 25 July (9.30 pm), edited by Libreria dei Ragazzi, Alberto Pellai, Barbara Tamborini present “Destination life. Life Skills: the essential baggage to face the most important journey ”(Mondadori). A book to train for life, to discover and acquire all the skills needed to face the great challenges that everyone faces during pre-adolescence and adolescence.
Concerts in Marina (7 - 12 August)
The stage in Piazza delle Baleari in Marina di Pisa lights up during the month of August with six concerts. Alongside the big names, such as Umberto Tozzi (7 August) and Marina Rei (10 August), there will be tribute evenings with Andy dei Bluvertigo with a tribute to David Bowie (11 August), Gianfranco Butinar with his tribute to Franco Califano (12 August). In addition, local artists such as Night Fishers (8 August) and Caporali Coraggiosi (9 August) will also take the stage. The shows are all free but reservations are required while seats are available (email bookingmarenia21@gmail.com).
Heliopolis (June 25 - September 5)
Il Calambrone comes alive with shows, talks and concerts for a total of 34 dates, from 25 June to 5 September. Music: among the musical events there is "La Dolce Vita on tour", with special guest Riccardo Fogli (July 24), the concert of the former singer of the Nomads Cristiano Turato with "Homage to the Nomads" (July 31) and still many tributes to great Italian and foreign artists.
Talk Show: will see the participation of names of national importance and local personalities, among others will take the stage Piero Fassino (July 16), Marino Bartoletti, Ubaldo Pantani and Riccardo Cucchi (July 16), the deputy coach of the national football team Alberico " Chicco ”Evani (13 August), Giuliana De Sio and Giobbe Covatta (20 August), Graziano Salvadori and Alessandro Paci in“ Fresh air summer edition ”(26 August). The calendar is completed by events aimed at children, comic shows and meetings organized with the collaboration of city newspapers. All evenings are free, reservations are required subject to availability (all the program on www.eliopolisummer.it)
Pro Loco Litorale Pisano (July - September)
Also this year the Pro Loco of the coast will be present with traditional events such as the selections and the crowning of "Miss Litorale" (final on August 14) and other sporting and cultural entertainment events such as golf competition (July 31), burraco tournament and evenings of docu-film video projections on cinema in Tirrenia. There will also be appointments with literary prizes.
Radio Bruno (June 27 - July 23)
In Piazza Belvedere in Tirrenia, from Sunday 27 June 5 evenings of music and entertainment are scheduled with the Radio Bruno truck from 7 to 12 pm (27 June, 3 - 10 - 17 - 23 July).
Teatrino del Sole (July 2 - July 30)
Entertainment for the little ones, with attention to maintaining a quality level that makes the shows satisfying even for adults. Six dates, during which we will attend puppet, marionette and puppet shows. Appointment in the garden of the Viviani Schools, in via Arnino 4 in Marina di Pisa every Friday of the month of July. Free admission by reservation until seats are exhausted (info@teatrinodelsole.it).