Centro Città
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The ceremony of the sunbeam in the Cathedral returns next March 25, after three years, for the Pisan New Year. Because of the works it was not possible to celebrate the entry into the new year with the solar clock, which at 12 o'clock a window in the central aisles penetrates a beam that illuminates the egg-shaped shelf placed on the pillar next to the pulpit by Giovanni Pisano. This will be the moment when the city, recalling the Pisan-style calendar, will enter the new year, 2020, nine months before the rest of the world.
The ceremony will be preceded by the historical parade that from Piazza XX Settembre (10 am) will cross the city streets until you reach the Cathedral, where the Madonna will be paid with prayers for Pisa, until the solemn Blessing of Archbishop Giovanni Paolo Benotto.
The program
The celebrations of the Pisan New Year begin on Saturday 23 March at Palazzo Gambacorti (Sala Baleari, 11 hours) with the presentation of the new costumes of the Gioco del Ponte. In the afternoon guided tour of Professor Pietro Finelli at the Domus Mazziniana (via Mazzini 71, 4 pm), organized by the Academy of Disuniti. At 5 pm, in the Sala Regia of Palazzo Gambacorti, the Pisa conference in the fourteenth century. A city in crisis' by Alma Poloni, Department of History of the University of Pisa, organized by the Rustichello cultural circle. At the Giardino Scotto (3.45 pm -6pm) the event "One die in Pisan style", with demonstrations of crossbow shooting, archery, mazzascudo and medieval fencing. Exhibition of medieval songs and dances.
On the eve of Sunday, March 24th, there will be guided tours to the Walls of Pisa, departing from the Piezometric Tower (ex-Marzotto, between via Buonarroti and via Vittorio Veneto, 10 am) titled 'The Three Ages of Pisa, the Pisan New Year of time ', with reservation advised until all available places are available. From 4 pm to 6 pm on the streets of the historic center, the proclamation of the 'Flags for the New Year's Eve', an exhibition by groups of flag-wavers from Pisa and its province, with the members of the Gioco del Ponte and the Ancient Maritime Republics. And starting at 10 pm, in Piazza XX Settembre, waiting for March 25, the show 'Il tempo di Pisa', H.E.R.P.E.S. in concert (by PisaMia Association) and 'Reflections in Pisan vernacular' (by the Carefree Golfer Crocchio). At the stroke of Midnight the 'Brindisi of good 2020 Pisan style'.
For the day of Monday 25 March the Walls of Pisa will be open and free for residents. While at the Republican Arsenals it will be possible to visit the current exhibition 'Bosch, Brueghel and Arcimboldo', at a special rate on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March.
Thanks to the collaboration with Confesercenti and Confcommercio on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th March it will be possible to taste thematic menus "in Pisan style" in participating restaurants that will offer dedicated menus to celebrate the entry into the new year.
Confcommercio Pisa member restaurants
- L'Artilafo, via San Martino 33, 050 27010 prenotazioneazionttasfo@gmail.com
- La Pergoletta, via delle Belle Torri, 40 050 542458 info@ristorantelapergoletta.com
- La Clessidra, via del Castelletto 26, 050 540160 info@ristorantelaclessidra.net
- Tortuga Restaurant, via Lucchese 33, 3939173933 ilboccondivinosasdiroman@gmail.com
- Trattoria Il Campano, via Cavalca 19, 050 580585 info@ilcampano.com
- La Botteghina di Vittoria, via delle Belle Torri 48, 3395438915
- Vintage Restaurant, via Santa Cecilia 15, 327 10 86 189 sapia.massi@gmail.com
- The Locanda dei Pisani Doc, via Pietro Toselli 13, 3485721116 pisanidocristorazione@gmail.com
Confesercenti Pisa member restaurants
- The Phantom of the Opera, via Palestro 20, 050 542402 info@osteriafantasmadellopera.com
- Anita Osteria, piazza del Pozzetto 5, 050 6161531 info@anitaosteria.it
- La Buca, via D'Azeglio 6, 050 24130 info@labucapisa.it
- Quore, via del Cuore 1, 050 579941 associazionelalba@gmail.com
- Ir Tegame Spaghetteria, piazza Cairoli 9, 050-572801 massimo.rutinelli@gmail.com
- Ai Cappuccini Restaurant, via dei Cappuccini 2, 339 2145916 info@ristoranteaicappuccini.com