Festa di apertura delle mura

mura di Pisa
Start date: 
End date: 
The Municipality of Pisa and the grouping of companies constituted by CoopCulture, Itinera and Promocultura, which has won the management of the tourist routes on the medieval walls of Pisa, invite all citizens to the 'opening party of the walls'. The program provides, after institutional greetings, free access to the walls that will be animated by events and shows including music, magic, reading aloud and video installations.
An important moment, linked to the theme of accessibility to monuments, will take place in the afternoon when a group of students of the G. Galilei High School, coordinated by the Ethics Coordination of Pisa Caregivers, will accompany some disabled people in a guided and inclusive journey which will lead them to attend the opening ceremony from above and then retrace the journey together with all the participants.
Beginning at 6 pm, guided by the representatives of the Sbandieratori Association and Musicians of the City of Pisa, the public, walking on the walkway, will meet, in some positions along the way, the Readers of the High Voice Reading Laboratory of the Teatro Sant ' Andrea who will pay tribute to the Galilean genius.
From 6:30 pm to 8 pm music lovers will be able to listen to the Gaia Chansso Ensemble, a training born from the long experience of the Bonamici School of Music, which will propose, in the spectacular location of the Torre del Catallo, an instrumental and vocal repertoire of the '300 and' 400 Italian and Flemish.
Lovers of magic and circus, both adults and children, will be amazed and entertained near the Piezometric Tower, with short performances of magic with a medieval flavor, curated by the Cooperative Chez Nous Le Cirque.
At 9 pm the party continues at the Officine Garibaldi, in via Giobert, with a video installation 'Discovering the Walls - lights and shadows of medieval Pisa', curated by Lorenzo Garzella and Acquario della Memoria, with the support of the Paim Cooperative and in collaboration with Accademia Alma Artis and the Municipality of Pisa.
The evening will conclude the dialogue between the architect Marco Guerrazzi (Municipality of Pisa), who oversaw the restoration of the Walls and Professor Gabriella Garzella (Pisan Historical Society), a profound connoisseur of the medieval and urban history of Pisa moderated by Raffaele Zortea (office press Municipality of Pisa).