Planet Funk at Agosto in Musica

Planet Funk per Agosto in Musica
Planet Funk per Agosto in Musica
Start date: 
End date: 

Saturday, August 19, at 9.30p.m. in Piazza Baleari in Marina di Pisa, unmissable appointment with the audio visual show of Planet Funk.

The event is part of the events of "August in Music" (, part of the billboard of "Marenia NonSoloMare" ( promoted by the Municipality of Pisa.

It is a mix show between dj set and live that includes the presence of 2 historical singers, Dan Black and Alex Uhlmann, who also alternate with guitars. The Italian band with international sound, after "World’s End" released in January, returns with the second single "Any Given Day"; available from June on radio and on all digital platforms for the record label Just Entertainment.

"Any Given Day",  from the upcoming album, is one of the last works of the full band: there is, in fact, in addition to Marco Baroni, Alex Neri, Domenico Canu and Alex Ulhmann, also Sergio Della Monica recently passed away. A single that confirms the unmistakable sound of the band, a mix of funk and electronics that distinguishes them from their first album "Non Zero Sumness" and their iconic hits that have made the rounds of the world as "Chase The Sun", "Said Said", "Inside all the people" and many others. "Any Given Day" is a song about the quest for reassurance in a world that is becoming increasingly insecure. 

Measures for road and rest.  In anticipation of the scheduled events, temporary measures have been adopted for traffic and parking in Piazza delle Baleari.

Specifically: from 20.00 to 01.00 of the days 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 August prohibition of vehicular transit: Piazza Baleari, including the arms that are placed in Via Repubblica Pisana and Via Tullio Crosio; Piazza Viviani, only the southern arm of connection with Via Daiberto; Via Maiorca, in the stretch between Via Daiberto and Piazza Baleari; Via Minorca, in the stretch between Piazza Baleari and Via Moriconi.

From 19.00 to 01.00 of the days 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 August prohibition of parking with forced removal of all vehicles in the following streets: via Mallorca, in the stretch between Via Daiberto and Piazza Baleari, both sides; Balearic Square, including the two arms, both sides, north and south side; Piazza Viviani, only the southern arm, both sides; Via Daiberto, from number 36 to number 34; Via Daiberto intersection with Via dell'Ordine di Santo Stefano, prohibition of parking of all vehicles with forced removal on the island near the Church SS. Maria Ausiliatrice; via Duodo Duodi, in the stretch between Via dell'Ordine di S. Stefano and Via Menorca; via Moriconi, in the stretch between Via Duodo and Duodi, on the sea side, and the first standoff, in addition to the island already present.

From 20.00 to 01.00 on 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 August: obligation to turn right via Moriconi intersection with via Duodo Duodi, mountain side; obligation to turn left via Minorca, in the stretch between via Duodo Duodi and via Moriconi, route for Tirrenia; obligation to turn left and/or continue straight on via Daiberto, in the stretch between piazza Viviani and via Mallorca; establishment of one-way road, the road to Tirrenia, via Moriconi, in the section between via Menorca and via Duodo Duodi; closing barriers/ barriers of via Ivizza and piazza Baleari.