After its debut at Antonio’s Warehouse last May, the show dedicated to Pier Paolo Pasolini, produced by the association Molina mon amour, arrives at La Nunziatina Garden, in the heart of Pisa, Wednesday, September 6, at 9p.m.(free admission).
Pasolini in campo, this is the title, born from an idea of Athos Bigongiali and will be directed and interpreted by Paolo Giommarelli, who will recite the play "A Pa'", taken from a story by Ugo Riccarelli. Speakers: Fabrizio Franceschini, a scholar and professor of Linguistics at the University of Pisa; Ida Nicolini, national vice president of the Athletics Federation; Fabrizio Bartelloni, lawyer and writer, who will talk about Pasolini in the Italian author’s song; Athos Bigongiali, writer and creator of the initiative, who will tell of the match "Centoventi contro Novecento", among the troupes of Bernardo Bertolucci, director of "Novecento", and of Pier Paolo Pasolini, director of "The 120 Days of Sodom". The films produced by Simone Panattoni will accompany everything. Introduced by Gabriele Santoni, president of Molina mon amour.
The show in the words of Athos Bigongiali: "Together with Molina mon amour we want to remember Pier Paolo Pasolini: the prophetic intellectual, the filmmaker, the novelist, the poet and, also, the great fan of football and footballer since childhood. Pasolini reflected a lot on this favorite sport, on the reasons for its popularity and its myths, identifying football 'the last sacred representation of our time', to quote an interview with the weekly magazine 'L'Europeo' of December 1970 .
Start of the show: 9p.m.
Dinner reservation: whatsapp 328 8738043
https://lanunziatina.com/? fbclid=IwAR1Fck3BfFN_g7zDvUmHA1z7TcbBAkbApQWDRfihOj6rCxRD5FwW0L0dxpQ