On the occasion of the centenary of his death, Museo della Grafica presents the exhibition 'Giacomo Matteotti. Portrait in images'.
The exhibition is promoted by the National Committee for the celebrations of the centenary of Giacomo Matteotti's death and the University of Pisa, with the kind permission of the Fondazione di Studi Storici 'Filippo Turati'. Inaugurated by the Chamber of Deputies on 17 October 2023, it was exhibited at the Museum Centre of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University in Naples and at the State Archive at the Reggia di Caserta, and will be displayed in various Italian and foreign cities during 2024 and 2025. With original and largely unpublished documentation, it restores with dramatic clarity the figure of a man who was attentive to his family, cultured, a socialist militant, an administrator, and a Member of Parliament, in his courageous and irreducible fight for democracy and freedom.
The presence of the exhibition in the city of Pisa will be associated with a cycle of events organised by the CIDIC - Centre for Innovation and the Diffusion of Culture entitled 'Giacomo Matteotti. The strength of ideas, the values of our democracy'.
- 7 March 2024, 5 p.m.: Matteotti and Socialism
- 13 March 2024, 5 p.m.: The Jurist Matteotti
- 27 March 2024, 5 p.m.: Mussolini's Enemy
The exhibition will remain on display until Thursday 11 April and can be visited free of charge every day from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Opening on Friday 23 February, 5 p.m.
Riccardo Zucchi, Rector University of Pisa
Maurizio Degl'Innocenti, President of the Committee for the celebrations of the centenary of Giacomo Matteotti's death
Stefano Caretti, Vice-President of the "Filippo Turati" Foundation for Historical Studies
Eugenio Giani, President of Tuscany Region
Michele Conti, Mayor of Pisa
Alessandro Tosi, Scientific Director Museo della Grafica