Lizards and nightingales, but also beech martens, weasels and even foxes: in spring, the Walls of Pisa come alive not only with visitors walking along the high walkway to admire the city's architectural and scenic beauty, but also with small animals that find a special habitat at these heights, an ecological corridor in the centre.
The "Quattro Stagioni sulle Mura di Pisa" (Four Seasons on the Walls of Pisa) is back, now in its third edition: naturalistic visits dedicated to the natural or semi-natural micro-environments along the Walls with observation of rocks, plants and animals, listening to bird songs and examining animal tracks. The visits are organised by the Museum of Natural History of the University of Pisa, in collaboration with CoopCulture, Cooperativa Itinera and Promocultura, the association of enterprises that manages the high altitude walkway of the Ancient Walls of Pisa. The initiative is the result of the collaboration between the Walls and the Museum, which also includes cross-discounts for people visiting both sites during normal opening hours.
The spring visit will take place on Saturday 18 May 2024 at 4.30 p.m. starting from the Wooden Tower and will end at 6.30 p.m. with sunset on Piazza dei Miracoli (in case of bad weather the visit will be postponed to Saturday 25 May).
Information and reservations:
Meeting point: 4.30 p.m. at the Wood Tower (Piazza Federico del Rosso, 3).
End: 6.30 p.m. in Piazza dei Miracoli.
Participants: maximum 20.
Comfortable shoes, water, hat and binoculars are recommended.
Tickets: €10 including entrance to the Walls of Pisa, €1.50 for booking fee.
Information and bookings from 22 April 2024 on www.muradipisa.it and the Mura di Pisa app Tel. 050 0987480 Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.