Remembrance Day 2025

Giorno del Ricordo 2025
Giorno del Ricordo 2025
Various locations
Start date: 
End date: 

Monday, February 10, the celebrations for Remembrance Day 2025 will take place. An appointment established by law on 30 March 2004 by the Italian parliament to preserve and renew the memory of the tragedy of the Italians and all the victims of the foibe, of the exodus from their lands of the Istrians, Fiumani and Dalmatians in the post-World War II and the more complex affair of the eastern border.

For the occasion Comune di Pisa, Prefettura di Pisa, Provincia di Pisa, the National Association of Venice and Dalmatia Committee of Pisa and the Italian Federation of Associations in the World have organized a significant program of initiatives that will start on Friday, February 7 and will end on Saturday, February 15.

Among the various initiatives that will take place next Monday, the councillor at the school of the Municipality of Pisa Riccardo Buscemi recalls the pilgrimage to Trieste at the Foiba di Basovizza, together with students from the Comprehensive Institute 'Niccolò Pisano'.

The first event on the programme is the exhibition "Archbishop Ugo Camozzo and the priests of Fiumana in Pisa" which will be inaugurated on Friday, 7 February at 4.00 pm in the atrium of Palazzo Gambacorti. The interventions of Michele Conti, mayor of Pisa, Maria Luisa D'Alessandro, prefect of Pisa, Massimiliano Angori, president of the Province of Pisa, Mons.  Giovanni Paolo Benotto, archbishop of Pisa, Clelia Kolman, president of the Pisa section of the Associazione Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia, Franco Papetti, Associazione Fiumani Italiani nel mondo and Don Severino Dianich, priest from Fiamo. The exhibition will be open until 15 February from 7:30 to 19:30 (closed on Sundays).
Guided tours are provided for schools: for bookings you can contact 050.910223.

The programme for Monday 10 February will include:
09:00 am, at the Pisa suburban cemetery, the Holy Mass and commemoration; following laying of crown of laurel to the Cippo to the victims of the foibe and the Giuliano-Dalmatian exiles;
10:00 am at the Foiba of Basovizza, in Trieste, a representation of administrators, teachers and students from schools in Pisa will participate in the ceremony to commemorate the national day of remembrance;
11:15 am in via Milazzo 55 in Marina di Pisa deposition of a crown of laurel at the Cippo "Martyrs of the foibe";
12.30 pm collection of a bouquet of flowers at the roundabout "Martiri delle foibe (at the intersection of the streets Paparelli, Lucchese and Brennero);
1:00 pm laying of a bouquet of flowers at the roundabout "Norma Cossetto (at the intersection of the streets Cisanello, Padule and Maccatella).

To close the cycle of initiatives, Friday 14 February, will take place at 5:00 pm at the municipal library SMS the conference entitled "The Adriatic border. From the tragedies of the past to the project for the future".