By day a monument from which to admire the city, by night an urban ecological corridor, the Walls are home to a great variety of flora and fauna: at sunset geckos, bats, beech martens, foxes and birds of prey populate the Walls in search of prey. On Friday 27 September, Marco Zuffi and Silvia Sorbi from the University of Pisa's Museum of Natural History will lead a guided nature tour to discover these animals. The novelty of the night-time edition will offer greater immersion in the natural world and offer a suggestive view of the illuminated city. Suitable for young and old, comfortable shoes, water and a torch are recommended.
‘Quattro Stagioni sulle Mura di Pisa speciale Estate’ will start at 9 p.m. from Torre di Legno, a few steps from the lungarni behind Piazzetta del Rosso and Via del Borghetto, to arrive in a Piazza dei Miracoli made even more magical by the night lighting.
Limited places available, tickets cost 10 euro including entrance to the Walls of Pisa, 1.50 euro for booking fee, booking info on the website www.muradipisa.it, at the link bit.ly/Muranaturanotturna, on the Walls of Pisa app, by calling 0500987480 from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Torre Santa Maria ticket office during opening hours. Free admission for accompanying persons with disabilities, in which case contact r.zortea@coopculture.it to organise ascent and descent.
The visit is organised by the Museum of Natural History of the University of Pisa, in collaboration with CoopCulture, Cooperativa Itinera and Promocultura, the association of enterprises that manages the high altitude walkway of the Ancient Walls of Pisa. The initiative is the result of the collaboration between the Walls and the Museum, which also includes cross-discounts for people visiting both sites during normal opening hours.