Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Reale
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In the context of "Pisa Book Festival" one of the most anticipated Italian cultural events of the year, from Friday 4 to Sunday 6 October 2024 the National Museum of Palazzo Reale hosts again, after the success of the last edition, "Lessons of History", the festival’s themed meeting section for history lovers.
On Friday, 4 October, the museum will open its doors in the evening until 10 p.m. (last entry 9.30 p.m.).
- at 6 p.m. HISTORY LESSONS, Marco Mondini, "The return of war. History of Italy in battle 1861-2023";
- at 8 p.m.: FREE GUIDED TOUR, following the theme of this year’s edition of the festival that will be the sea, the director Pierluigi Nieri will present the portraits, preserved in the museum, of the first Medici, protagonists of the Tuscan maritime policy;
Saturday 5 October, special afternoon opening from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. (last entry 6.30 p.m.).
- 3 p.m.: LESSONS OF HISTORY, Antonio Musarra, "1284. The battle of Meloria";
- 5 p.m.: LESSONS OF HISTORY, Marco Natalizi, "The imperial Russia of Catherine II";
Sunday, 6 October, first Sunday of the month, free entry from 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. (last entry at 1 p.m.) and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. (last entry at 6.30 p.m.).
- 11.30 a.m.: HISTORY LESSONS, Eugenio Giani, "The Medici and the sea".
- 5 p.m.: HISTORY LESSONS, Gastone Breccia, "Trafalgar, a naval battle".