Five art walks to reflect on the journey of humanity, from the origins of Western civilization to the advent of artificial intelligence: on Sunday, July 7 the calendar of guided tours dedicated to Exodus, artistic project by Alexey Morosov involving some of the most dense places of significance of the city of the Leaning Tower. Starting from Piazza dei Miracoli, which houses a sculpture of great impact, up to the thirteenth-century Church of Santa Maria della Spina, home to sculptures and paintings both inside and outside, Palazzo Blu, historic residence and contemporary art center, the Fortress with the Guelph Tower and the building of the Municipality of Pisa.
A specific site installation with epic tones, which until 29 September 2024 transforms the city into temenos on which a network of concepts and expressions is thrown. The intrusions of art objects in public spaces invite the visitor to follow the path of the Exodus of contemporary humanity, remembering the archaic and forgotten cults, the biblical promises, the musical narratives of Puccini and the prophetic writings of Chekhov.
To accompany visitors along the path the art curator and collector Gian Guido Grassi. The appointment is at 10.00 in front of Palazzo Blu on 7 and 21 July, 25 August, 1 and 15 September.
Exodus is a project by Alexey Morosov, directed by Gian Guido Grassi and organized by the Municipality of Pisa and the association Start Attitude, with the contribution of the Council of the Tuscany Region and the collaboration of Palazzo Blu, enjoys the patronage of the Province of Pisa.
The indoor exhibition venues (Church of Santa Maria della Spina and Torre Guelfa) are open from 10-13 and 16-20. Admission is free.
Born in Central Asia at the end of the greatest conquest expedition of Alexander the Great, in the mountainous country of Kyrgyzstan, Alexey Morosov has built his own itinerary in the opposite direction: from the East to Italy (or up to the "midnight sea", in the myths of the Turkish and Mongolian populations). Besides the reference to the ancient Greco-Roman iconography, what characterizes the art of Morosov is the virtuous technique both pictorial and sculptural, very close in its patterns to the Italian and French plastic of the sixteenth-seventeenth century. However, the artist is known, in the first place, for his clear and deep conceptual expression which, together with the careful figurative manner, distinguishes him and highlights him in the field of contemporary art.