Sunday, November 5 is renewed the appointment with #domenicaalmuseo, the initiative of the Ministry of Culture that allows free entry every first Sunday of the month, in museums and state archaeological parks.
The National Museum of San Matteo will be open from 9 am to 1:30 pm (with last entry at 1 pm). At 11 am you can take part in a free guided tour to discover the new exhibition recently inaugurated "Microcosms of history".
A journey to discover 5000 specimens of ancient coins from the medieval mints of Pisa, Lucca, Siena and Florence, along with other splendid examples of the Medici and Lorraine ages. To the coins of adds a large number of merchant cards and tokens of medieval and modern age, as well as seals and medals.
The National Museum of the Royal Palace will be open from 9 am to 1:30 pm (last entrance at 1 pm). At 11 am there will be a free guided tour "The Maritime Order of the Knights of Santo Stefano", in conjunction and in collaboration with the exhibition "Modellismo d'Arsenale" at the Republican Arsenals.
The Museums of the University Museum System will also have free admission:
- Botanical Garden and Museum, open from 8:30 am to 5 pm, www.ortomuseobot.sma.unipi.it; *CLOSED DUE TO BAD WEATHER*
- Museo della Grafica, open from 9 am to 7 pm with the exhibition "Fashion, Sport, Tourism" extended until 28 January 2024, www.museodellagrafica.sma.unipi.it;
- Egyptological Collections, open from 3 pm to 6 pm;