Strolling 11 metres high admiring the city's beauty, a journey through the eras of the city from Roman Pisa to the Second World War: on Sunday 18 June on the weekend of the Luminara and San Ranieri the Walls offer a guided tour on the theme of Giugno Pisano.
In addition to the classic tour of the city's anecdotes, there will be an in-depth look at historical events, from their birth to their current significance. From the construction of the Marzotto to the vicissitudes of the patron saint to the beauty of Piazza dei Miracoli via the Bagni di Nerone: double departure at 6.00 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. from the Torre Piezometrica, ticket €8, €3 for children under 8.
Limited places, info and bookings (1.50 euro pre-sale fee) on www.muradipisa.it or by calling 0500987480 Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, or at the Torre Santa Maria ticket office during opening hours