On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the decipherment of hieroglyphics, there are many initiatives in Pisa, starting with guided tours of the Egyptological Collections. We would also like to mention the exhibition at the University Library of Pisa and the conference organised by the Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge.
Friday 30 September, 17:00, 18:00 and 19:00
Guided tours of the 'Edda Bresciani' Egyptological Collections - theme Art, cultural memory and social change within the 2022 edition of Bright.
To discover one of the richest and most impressive collections of Egyptian antiquities in Tuscany and the exhibition 'From Egypt to Pisa: Gaetano Rosellini and his Collections'.
The Egyptological Collections came into being in 1962, thanks to an initial donation made by Laura Birga Picozzi, a descendant of Gaetano Rosellini, who in 1828-1829 had participated in the 'Franco-Tuscan Expedition to Egypt and Nubia', directed by his nephew Ippolito Rosellini (the founder of Italian Egyptology) and Jean François Champollion.
29th and 30th September 2022
In the Church of Sant'Eufrasia, home of the Antiquarian Library, and on the occasion of the 2022 edition of Bright, the Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge is organising a conference dedicated to the memory of the great Egyptologist Edda Bresciani, who died in 2020.
200 years after the decipherment of the hieroglyph. Days for Edda Bresciani