Petruska al Teatro Verdi

Teatro Verdi
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End date: 


After the debut at the Teatro Comunale in Bologna, on Thursday 15th March at 9 pm, 'Teatro Petruška', a version of the famous ballet on music by Igor Stravisky signed by Virgilio Sieni, will take place at the Teatro Verdi.
The ballet is set in a suspended and light dimension, where inside and outside are confused and are separated only by a transparent veil. 'Petruška' becomes a metaphor of man's origin and announces the fact that we are only passing through.
This creation is anticipated and introduced by the song Chukrum for string orchestra, composed by Giacinto Scelsi in 1963 with the ambition to place the sound, considered as a single element, at the center of the musical language.
At the end of the show there will be a meeting / conversation with the choreographer by Silvia Poletti, critic and dance scholar, open to public participation.
For this powerful and evocative multiplication of souls, bodies and forms, tickets with prices ranging from 20 to 5 euros, with the usual facilities for clubs, associations, Coop members, and with the 50% reduction for young people, students and schools of dance, also on sale in the Vivaticket circuit and in the sales points of the Port of Marina di Pisa and the Palazzo dei Congressi of Pisa.
In addition, the Women's Day promotion: women will pay a 5 euro ticket. For further info: 050941111;