Like every year, the University of Pisa's University Museum System participates in the initiative
The Nights of Archaeology, promoted by the Region of Tuscany, with a rich programme of events, in-depth studies and guided tours.
Here is the complete programme of our cultural proposals and how to participate.
Wednesday 14 July 2021
6 p.m.
F. Civinini" Museum of Human Anatomy
Ancient Egypt in the Museum of Human Anatomy "Filippo Civinini
An in-depth study of the Ancient Egyptian finds in the museum's collection.
Telematic conference
Online event organised by the University Museum System and MediaEventi of the University of Pisa.
To watch the conference simply connect to the SMA YouTube channel at the link:
online event without subtitles
Thursday 15 July - 21:00
Museum of Physical Instruments - Scientific Playroom
Astronomy and Navigation in the Ancient Mediterranean
Through the astronomical indications given in the 5th canto of the Odyssey, we can try to reconstruct the route followed by Ulysses. Although Homer's words find a partial confirmation in the numerical simulations of the celestial vault, we are well aware that Homer's could be only the fantastic geography of the myth and - as Eratosthenes said - "the places of Odysseus' wanderings will be found when the shoemaker who sewed the wineskin is found".
Sergio Giudici (Director of the Museo degli Strumenti di Fisica - Unipi)
Astronomical observations by: Cascinese Astronomers Association
Readings from Homer, Hesiod and Lucan: Dario Focardi, Theatres of Resistance
Cittadella Galileiana, Largo Renzo Spadoni
Event with compulsory booking at:
For information:
Thursday 15th July 2021
Gallery of Ancient Art
Online conference "Discovering Ancient Pompeii".
Live from Pompeii, the team of archaeologists from the University of Pisa and the IMT Alti Studi Lucca School talk about the PRAEDIA project, which studies the residential architecture of Regio II. The investigations, which until 2020 focused on the Praedia of Giulia Felice, from this year will focus on the Riti Magici Complex, where the researchers are currently working.
Speakers from Pompeii: Anna Anguissola and Riccardo Olivito (scientific coordinators of the project), Emanuele Taccola (survey and graphic documentation manager) and Chiara Tarantino (communication coordinator). Stefano Landucci (logistics services of the Gipsoteca di Arte Antica) will participate from Pisa.
The initiative is organised by the University of Pisa's Gallery of Ancient Art in collaboration with the University Museum System and the Department of Civilisation and Forms of Knowledge of the University of Pisa.
On this occasion, the Gipsoteca di Arte Antica will remain open until midnight, with limited access.
Notes on use
Venue: it will be possible to follow the event live from the Gipsoteca's Facebook page
Gipsoteca di Arte Antica, piazza S. Paolo all'Orto 20, Pisa
Monday 19 July 2021
6 p.m.
Anatomical Veterinary Museum
The domesticated cat: an example of the taming process
Online conference dedicated to the process of domestication of the cat, a species defined as "tamed", based on biological and behavioural aspects that make it unique among the animals with which we share our daily lives.
Online event organised by the University Museum System and MediaEventi of the University of Pisa.
To watch the conference just connect to the SMA YouTube channel at the link:
Alessandra Coli - Veterinary Anatomical Museum
online event without subtitles
Thursday 22 July 2021
From 18:30 to 20:00
Museum of Pathological Anatomy
The study of mummies between archaeology and paleopathology
Description of the event: Online conference dedicated to the world of mummies with particular attention to the techniques used to preserve the bodies, their cultural significance and their importance for the study of ancient diseases.
On-line event organised by the University Museum System and MediaEventi of the University of Pisa.
To watch the conference just connect to the SMA YouTube channel at the link:
online event without subtitles
Tuesday 27 July 2021
Three visiting shifts: 18:00 -19:00/19:00-20:00/21:00-22:00
Museum of Physical Instruments - Scientific Playroom
Special evening opening of the Science Library
Guided tour of the Science Library by appointment
Free entrance, reservation required at the following contacts
050/2214861 - 320/0403946 -
Galileiana Citadel
Largo Renzo Spadoni, Area of the Old Slaughterhouses, Pisa
Accessible to people with disabilities