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It is the #sentiment keyword of the seventh edition of Internet Festival, the event that focuses on digitization of contemporary society through the story of the Net and its protagonists.
The festival is promoted by the Tuscany Region, the City of Pisa, Registro.it and the Institute of Computer and Telematics of the Cnr, University of Pisa, Sant'Anna High School, Upper Normale School together with Chamber of Commerce of Pisa, Pisa Province and Association Festival of Science, while the design and organization are organized by Fondazione Sistema Toscana.
From 5th to 8th October, events, installations, preview and insights return to popularize the city of Pisa through dozens of widespread appointments across the country and numerous international guests. At the core of the IF2017 program, digital communities, with their relationship models, the interests and dynamics of "a digital sentiment that can create social instances, grow cultural movements, make collective political views and economic experiments "Said the organizers of the Pisan festival. But even the most current issues, from fake news and post truth, to the controversial proposals of digital democracy.
FAKE NEWS, POST TRUTH AND DEMOCRACY. To these topics will be dedicated a specific section, Buffalo, Post Truth and Democracy with interventions, among others, of some of the most notorious 'buffalo hunters' such as Paul Attivissimo and Graham Brookie, sociologists Davide Bennato and Alessandro Dal Lake, communication experts and cultural processes such as Annamaria Testa, Dino Amenduni, Massimiliano Panarari. Within the section Odi @ amo I expected the contributions of Luciano Spinelli, Stella Pulpo, Eleonora Olivieri, Maurizio Tesconi, Anna Akbari, Matt Stokes and Rosy Battaglia. The exploration of emotions will also be revealed in the form of 'Follia della Rete' through the updating of Ariosto and the digitization of the literary heritage linked to Orlando Furioso by Lina Bolzoni, but also through a session dedicated to Digital Happyness, the good side of the web.
FROM PRIVACY TO ANTI-TERRORISM. At the heart of # IF2017, Cybersecurity, both from the point of view of state control, intelligence and counterterrorism operations, and from the point of view of computer security, self-defense systems, and independent hackers. The meetings, co-ordinated by journalist Carola Frediani, will include some of the leading international experts: Alessandro Piva (Telecommunication Engineering), Claudia Biancotti (Senior Economist of the Bank of Italy), Matteo Flora (analyst and web reputation expert ), Luisa Krahulcova (cybersecurity expert), Andrea Rigoni (father of the digital identity project of the Poste Italiane Foundation), Nunzia Ciardi (Director of Postal Police), Fabio Massa (Scientific and Digital Investigations) and ethical hackers Claudio Guarnieri and Vincenzo Iozzo with an important contribution from Emergency, who will present the campaign against the war WARS / WAS: We will never replace WAR with WAS ?, also featuring a high impact installation under the Loggia dei Banchi di Pisa.
BIG DATES AND BUSINESS 4.0. Reflections focused on Big Data's influence in the market approach of millions of companies in the world and manufacturing transformation determined by production 4.0. Among the speakers Vesselin Popov of the Cambridge Judge Business School where she leads projects between big data and psychometry applied to business and communities. Other works by Luigi Serio, Anna Giunta, Matteo Vignoli.
START UP AND MARKETING NOT CONVENTIONAL. There will also be space for talking about PMIs and startups, protagonists of the Digital Scene curated by CNR Pisa and Registro.it, which celebrates this year for 30 years, with particular attention to unconventional marketing and training.
READ, RIGHTS AND PIGS. Copyright and creativity protection will be the focus of the encounters under the Laws, rights and pirates, curated by Fernanda Faini and Dianora Poletti. Among the guests involved: Giovanni Buttarelli, Alberto Maria Gambino, Antonio Nicita, Giangiacomo Olivi, Mario Bonafé, Francesco Paolo Micozzi, Raffaele Barberio, Marco Bani, Guido Scorza, Isabella Splendore, Fulvio Sarzana.
ADVERTISING 2.0. Do not miss the focus on the new frontiers of advertising with The day after Carosello, a meeting hosted by IF2017, Claudio Giua, director, who will look at new trends in advertising investment. From the programmatic advertising to the harassing and occult advertising to be fought through a pact between all the operators in the chain, a confrontation with the protagonists among others, Massimo Russo, Giovanna Maggioni, Fabrizio Carotti, Alessandro Furgione, Luca Bordin, Giancarlo Vergori.
THE NEW BORDER OF THE TOURISM. Two insights will be dedicated to one of the key areas of our country, tourism. In the first one it is about tourism accessibility for the disabled, in the second the focus will be on the new frontiers of storytelling in the promotion of the territories. The topic will be linked to the Food and Drink program: Ethics, pleasure and beauty where the challenges of defending local crops, promoting diversity of products, enhancing proximity markets through technology and contributing to sustainability will be tackled environmental and economic. Among events and digital food performances, the interventions by Luciana Squadrilli, Adalbert Diouf, Elisabetta Tola, Gaetano Carboni, Riccardo Bocci.
BETWEEN MUSIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION. The state of research in Italy will be the red thread of RIFF: Research, Innovation, Philosophy and Future, an innovative format in which corporate managers, universities and centers of excellence will be on the theme of our country's growth, ranging from music and comedy. Among the speakers involved: Google Engineering with Prabhakar Raghavan, Roberto Cingolani, ITT Director of Genoa and Expo after Expo Manager, Miguel Benasayag author of the book 'Increased Brain, Man Down', Surgeon Ugo Boggi, Political Sociologist Joan Subirats.
DIGITAL AGENDA. Also the Tuscany Region will be # IF2017 with case histories related to youth policies, starting with Young YES, digital agenda and other industry initiatives. The Region will also be present with a space at the Logge of Banks to illustrate online services. At the stand you will also be able to acquire your digital identity SPID.
WEB MARKETING AND 30 YEARS OF .IT. Register as always looks at businesses: a day dedicated to email marketing and Facebook strategy training with Alessandra Farabegoli and Enrico Marchetto, one at startup startup with Bootstrap in collaboration with Startupitalia! and the great finale Sunday afternoon to celebrate his 30th anniversary with stories by .i Sonia Peronaci, Gazzetta.it, Luca Dini (vanityfair.it), Francesca Barbieri (Fraintesa.it) and many more.
GAMEBOX AND MARATHON DEVELOPMENT. As a tradition, the space that IF2017 will dedicate to gaming: in the Gamebox area there are two development jams for adults and children, as well as workshops, meetings and workshops.
CINEMA, THEATER AND LENIN IN OLOGRAM. Theater, music, cinema and innovation-inspired literature will be the stars of the # IF2017 cultural program. Noteworthy: Theatrical performance Revolution 17, carved by the Sandbags, which will bring in nothing less than the hologram of Lenin; the rings, garlands and stairs: the illusion and the paradox of Gödel, Escher, Bach, a series of dialogues designed to explore the interweaving of art, music and mathematics; 'Visions', the area dedicated to cinema and visual arts, which will be inaugurated by photographer Joan Fontcuberta, and will talk about the power of images between fiction and reality, interviewed by journalist Michele Smargiassi.
PAPER PAGES AND VIRTUAL PAGES, ALL BOOKS OF IF2017. The Book (e) book section is also rich, dedicated to the #sentiment and innovation-related books, which will lead to IF2017, among others, Luciano Spinelli with Together (Sunday 8th), Tommaso Novi, with I dug the house, book autobiographical outgoing together with a webgame, Roberto Emanuelli with And then kiss me (Friday 6), Bruno Mastroianni with The Happy Dispute. Discourage WITHOUT LITIGATION on social networks, on the media and in public, Lercio with the dirty saying, Stella Pulpo with a ring when you arrive (Saturday 7), Massimo Sideri and Umberto Ambrosoli with Right to forget, the duty of memory. The ethics of interconnected society, Remo Bodei with Geometry of Passions (Sunday 8).
Ilenia Zodiaco and Matteo Fumagalli will guide the audience instead of discovering Booktube, the YouTube channel animated by those who love reading and sharing their readings. There are also many installations: in addition to Emergency at the Loggia dei Banchi, 'The iceberg' to explore the darkweb, 'The Machine' on Man-Machine Interaction, 'Heart Sync', 'Wize Mirror', 'Cronos' 'Beyond the Generations', 'Mixed reality'. And then GRUNF, Egg sentiment and Face2face that are part of the IF Remix project on the artistic reuse of material from recent IF editions.
DIGITAL STUDENTS. The appointment with the T-Tour, the section devoted to the students (over seven thousand in 2016), was also inaugurated, housed in the formerly restored Benedictine convent. Four days of workshops and workshops on cybersecurity, web graphics, design, digital art, network conscious use, but also food, digital photography, creative reuse and much more.