Palazzo Blu
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From the incredible adventure that brought man to the moon, of which this year the 50 years recur, to the fantastic images of the boundaries of the Universe. It is the heart of the exhibition itinerary “Explore. Sulla Luna e oltre ”, the unpublished exhibition that arrives at Palazzo Blu since March 2019, curated by National Geographic and with the special collaboration of the Italian Space Agency.
A fascinating journey through the wonders and mysteries of the universe through a collection of symbolic photos, models, videos and immersive and interactive experiences through which to retrace the main stages of man's journey through space. A journey marked by visionary ideas, successes, failures and characters who have written our history. From Yuri Gagarin to Neil Armstrong, to the first woman in space Valentina Tereškova to the little dog Laika.
More than 500 men and women have touched the Space, including the Italians Luca Parmitano, who will return to the International Space Station in 2019, and Samantha Cristoforetti. The history of space exploration is made up of missions to discover the secrets of the Sun, the undisputed protagonist at the center of the Solar System, but also to learn about the icy gas giants like Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, and the rocky and hot planets like Venus and Mercury . Without neglecting Mars, the planet that most urged the common imagination, a red desert that in its distant past may have hosted life and that still today preserves underground lakes of liquid water. The "younger brother" of the Earth, touched between successes and failures, from the Viking probes to the very recent Curiosity and the European ExoMars with his unfortunate lander Schiaparelli.
The Palazzo Blu exhibition leads to the discovery of the International Space Station, which represents the human outpost in Space: a zero-gravity environment in orbit around the Earth and that in about two decades hosted more than 200 astronauts from 18 nations on board . It is also a unique scientific laboratory of its kind and a symbol of international cooperation. And finally the Earth, The Blue Marble, has been defined as seen from Space in one of the rare photographs that portray our entire planet and completely illuminated. From the Space there is a unique observation point, from which to understand its fragility and complexity.
The exhibition “Explore. Sulla Luna e oltre ”is also an invitation to question what the future of exploration will hold, today that the project of the first human colonies on Mars and on the Moon is increasingly insistent. The exhibition was designed for all ages, from the oldest to the schools, with educational courses for the classes built to integrate with school programs and, thanks to the guidance of educational staff, involving children in the understanding of important scientific phenomena.
22 March 2019 - 21 July 2019
Hours: Monday-Friday 10.00 am - 7.00 pm - Saturday - Sunday and holidays 10.00 am - 8.00 pm
Full € 6
Reduced, conventions, groups: € 4
Reduced family: € 12.00
Reduced school groups: € 3
Reduced school groups combined with educational services: € 2
Exhibition information, guided tour reservations and educational workshops
Tel. +39 050 220 46 50 | info@palazzoblu.it