On the occasion of International Darwin Day 2023:
- Botanical Garden and Museum organises the meeting:
Darwin and lichens: a hidden history
Due to their species richness and unique biology, lichens are an essential component of many ecosystems and useful environmental indicators. Darwin was also interested in lichens, but his relationship with these organisms is little known: we will see together why.
The meeting will be held by Dr Luca Paoli, a lichenologist from the Department of Biology at the University of Pisa.
It will take place on Friday 10 February at 3 p.m. in Aula Savi, Orto e Museo Botanico, via Luca Ghini, 13 - via Roma, 56
- Calci Museum of Natural History proposes an activity for families:
Travelling with Darwin. Who does not adapt is lost!
A guided tour that retraces, through the Museum's extraordinary specimens, the stages, insights, clues and curiosities that enabled the famous naturalist to formulate the theory of evolution!
Timetable: shifts starting at 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.; duration one and a half hours.
Recommended age: 6 - 12 years.
Maximum number of participants: 25 people per round.
Cost: 5 euros per person + entrance fee.
For information and reservations: Silvia Asciamprener 333 6602747 (also whatsapp). Reservation is compulsory.