Estate a San Giuliano Terme

San Giuliano Terme Comune 2
San Giuliano Terme Comune 2
San Giuliano Terme
Start date: 
End date: 
Stroll through the shops of San Giuliano Terme and its municipal hamlets, protagonists of a series of events that will animate next summer. This is the goal pursued by Stefano Ferrini, president of the San Giuliano Terme Natural Shopping Center, which has presented the program that will involve retailers in the area of June, July and September.
"Sangiulian trade wants to be the protagonist this summer that, we are sure, will bring many tourists on our territory confirming the positive data on the arrivals of last season," says Ferrini. In recent days, members of the association have mandated the Council to draft and launch the program for the forthcoming initiatives. It will start on Sunday, June 11th with 'The Champion Center', the traditional fashion show that will be the protagonists of the mall's shopping malls.
Friday, July 14 will be the turn of 'Astrifesta'. The last appointment will be 'Enigmando', the great party of enigmaticism. For the third consecutive year, the Natural Shopping Center will actively participate in the organization of the feast of St. Bartholomew, together with the other organizations active in Sangiulian territory. The Saturday, September 2, will be animated by rebus to be resolved that will be disseminated in shop windows, with the solution to be filled in by compiling the distribution card in the business. In the evening there will be the grand finale in Piazza Italia with a giant size crossword.
A SUCCESS NETWORK. The San Giuliano Terme Natural Science Center, with the technical support of Confesercenti, brings together more than 100 commercial establishments located in the different districts and is closely linked with the other associations in Sangiulian territory to network entrepreneurs by participating in regional calls . "We must thank the mayor of Maio, who is committed to meeting the needs of the merchants and also supporting us in our initiatives," concludes Ferrini. In addition to the support of the municipal administration, this year's summer initiatives of the organization will see the partnership of one of the historical names of Sangiulian trade: Pisanpack.