On May 17, 2022 at 5 p.m. at the Pio X Hall of the Archbishop's Palace in Pisa, the diocese's cultural heritage office will present the VIEd'ARTE Project.
On the occasion of the Days of Enhancement of Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage 2022, a preview of the VIRTUAL VISIT to the Archiepiscopal Palace will be presented, carried out in collaboration with the Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge and the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa.
H.E. Archbishop Giovanni Paolo Benotto, Prof. Antonella Gioli and Prof. Andrea Tomasi will speak.
The Diocesan Office of Pisa has joined the VIEd'ARTE project of the University of Pisa and, on the occasion of the Days of Enhancement of Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage 2022, will present a preview of the virtual tour of the archiepiscopal palace, realized in collaboration with the Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge - University of Pisa and the Department of Information Engineering - University of Pisa.
The archiepiscopal palace in its present guise dates back to the 15th-century building commissioned by Archbishop Filippo de'Medici, with 18th-century interventions partly altering its appearance. The imposing fresco cycles, centered on the virtues of the good bishop, also date back to the 18th century, which until now could be visited only on extraordinary occasions and are now made accessible to a wider public thanks to the creation of the virtual visit and in-depth thematic itineraries.
The project VIEd'ARTE - Virtual Integrated Environment for Arts, Routes, Territories, Exhibitions - was created as a project for the creation of a web publishing environment to support the work of cultural workers in order to manage different types of cultural objects and many types of presentations, including virtual exhibitions and guided tours. The realization of the tour of the Archbishop's Palace of Pisa is fully within the objectives of the project and offers even non-experts the opportunity to retrace the events of the building of the palace and its transformations and to enjoy the artistic heritage that the palace preserves.
INFORMATION: https://www.diocesidipisa.it/