For the first time in Italy, the largest travelling exhibition of dinosaurs.
An appointment not to be missed, for young and old, for all enthusiasts and for those who have always dreamed of coming face to face with 'the giants of prehistory'.
From 12 to 29 May, in Piazza Viviani in Marina di Pisa, comes the educational exhibition dedicated to dinosaurs.
In addition to being an exhibition of reproductions with life-size dinosaurs, the exhibition will feature archaeological recreational zones, play areas, and a visual area with documentary screenings.
The event is housed in a freestanding marquee.
The exhibition arrives in Marina di Pisa after its great success in various Italian cities.
The event will be open from 3pm to 8pm (weekdays) and on weekends from 10am to 8pm.
Info and reservations: 3885670489
Facebook page "The Giants of Prehistory": www.facebook.com/igigantidellapreistoria/
Instagram profile: www.instagram.com/i_giganti_della_preistoria/