Plastic Art

Arte di plastica
Arte di plastica
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End date: 

Lady Be's solo exhibition 'Arte di Plastica' will be held in Pisa in the 'Sopra le Logge' exhibition space from 4 to 17 September. Lady Be comes to this exhibition after having exhibited in New York, Paris (Eiffel Tower), Amsterdam, London and other European capitals as well as in major Italian cities.

Entrance is free every day from 16:00 to 20:00, on 12-13-17 September from 10:00 to 20:00

The exhibition presents a series of mosaics made with recycled plastic objects, his original technique that he has been using since the beginning of his artistic career. Among the works on display are portraits of the singers Elisa, Achille Lauro and Francesco Gabbani, who will be on tour in Pisa during the exhibition. Or the version of Theodora, the Sustainable Mosaic inspired by the original Byzantine Mosaic of the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna.

The location Sopra Le Logge, an important work of contemporary architecture, fits into the historical centre of the city with elegance and balance, allowing wide views of the city and of Palazzo Gambacorti (seat of the Municipality) as well as access to the State Archives on the first floor of the Logge or to the nearby Palazzo Blu.

Lady Be invites visitors in person on Tuesday 13 September at 6.30 p.m. for a toast.