Notti dell’Archeologia alle Collezioni Egittologiche

Notti dell’Archeologia alle Collezioni Egittologiche
Notti dell’Archeologia alle Collezioni Egittologiche
Collezioni Egittologiche
Start date: 
End date: 


"The Nights of Archaeology" is back. In its 22nd edition, the festival offers the opportunity for visits, events and in-depth studies in the museums and archaeological areas of Tuscany.

This is the proposal of the "Edda Bresciani" Egyptological Collections.

From Egypt to Pisa: discovering the Egyptological Collections "Edda Bresciani"

July 9 - 4-8 p.m. - free event

Three free guided tours are scheduled for Saturday, July 9, to discover one of the richest and most impressive collections of Egyptian antiquities in Tuscany.

Participation is possible by reservation only until the maximum number of available seats is reached (23 people per tour); tours are scheduled at 5:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm.

For reservations