Spring has arrived and the special events on the Walls of Pisa are back. By popular demand, after the sell-out of the previous events, the 'Walls of Pisa Night Experience' will inaugurate the season of initiatives on the high walkway, on the day of the Pisan New Year. A night-time cinematographic tour that, through projections and audio, allows you to relive the history of the city from Roman times to medieval glories, from the industrial revolution to the present day. The initiative, organised by the Acquario della Memoria and the CoopCulture, Itinera and Promocultura cooperatives, is an immersive and engaging journey through the centuries of official history and anecdotes: from the birth of the Maritime Republic to the ingenious workings of the Roman baths, from the life of Laura Ruschi and the San Zeno artistic ceramics factory to the Marzotto industrial epic, and the events of the Second World War.
After the first event on Friday 25 March, there will be repeat performances on Friday 1 April, Friday 8 April and Friday 15 April. The tours will start at 9.00 p.m. at the Torre Piezometrica (Polo Fibonacci, ex-Marzotto, with access from the pedestrian and cycle path outside the Walls, which can be reached from Via San Francesco or Via Vittorio Veneto), arriving at around 10.30 p.m. in Piazza dei Miracoli. The length of the walk is about 2 kilometres. Tickets are €10 (plus €1.50 advance sale fee), free for accompanying persons with disabilities, recommended for visitors aged 12 and over. People with disabilities, with prior notice, can be taken down via the Torre Piezometrica lift as there is no lift at the Torre Santa Maria.
Reservations are recommended while spaces last by calling 0500987480 Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm, on the Coopculture website at https://bit.ly/MuraNightExp, or at the Torre Santa Maria ticket office during opening hours.
Everything will be done in compliance with anti-Covid regulations: it will be necessary to wear a mask, the groups will be small, each person will be provided with a remote stereo headset that allows an immersive 'silent emotion' experience, sanitized and individually packaged, and the Green Pass will be compulsory in accordance with national regulations.
The initiative is part of the Mura di Pisa Night Experience project, conceived and developed by the cultural association Acquario della Memoria and supported by the Fondazione Pisa, in collaboration with other partners including Ati Mura di Pisa (CoopCulture, Itinera, Promocultura), Comune di Pisa, Mappa Lab - Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, Nanof, Internet Festival, Alma Artis Academy.
CoopCulture, Cooperativa Itinera and Promocultura constitute the association of enterprises that manages the high altitude walkway of the Ancient Walls of Pisa. Built between the 12th and 13th centuries, the Walls of Pisa are an example of the military architecture of the time, a sign of the greatness of the Pisan Republic and today a privileged viewpoint from which to admire the city.