The Nights of Archaeology is back, offering visits, events and in-depth studies in the museums and archaeological areas of Tuscany.
The 2023 edition, the twenty-third, has as its theme for special initiatives that of the different attention to wellness over time and across cultures: in fact, the process towards comforts is not only not linear in time nor diffuse in space, but even in the same societies diversified standards have coexisted - and still coexist today - according to distinctions of status.
Reflecting on the inequalities in the right to wellness will also make it possible to reflect on the theme of cultural wellness, in which museums are protagonists.
This is the proposal of the University Museum System this year.
Saturday 8 July 2023: Wellness and Beauty in Ancient Egypt
Guided tours in three shifts (duration 45 minutes):
- 17:00
- 18:00
- 19:00
Guided tours inside the "Edda Bresciani" Egyptological Collections will lead participants to discover the beauty tools used for hygiene and body care in Ancient Egypt.
Free event, Reservation required until places are available (maximum 23 participants). Not accessible to the disabled.
Further information: info.collezioni-egittologiche@sma.unipi.it - +39 050 598647 or +39 050 2211500
Monday 10 July, 9:15 pm : Lifestyle, diet, disease and wellbeing in the Tuscan lower Middle Ages. The bioarchaeological excavation of Badia Pozzeveri (11th-13th century), Antonio Fornaciari, director of the Badia Pozzeveri excavations.
At the hostel of San Pietro di Pozzeveri, the results of the Badia Pozzeveri excavation and the study of human remains from the medieval cemetery of the Abbey of San Pietro will be presented through audiovisuals and a short conference. After the screening, it will be possible to visit the archaeological excavation site of the Pozzeveri Fieldschool in Medieval Archaeology and Bioarchaeology.
Free event, accessible to the disabled. Further information: antonio.fornaciari@unipi.it or +39 328 4677060
Tuesday 11 July 2023, from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.: The archaeological collections of the "Filippo Civinini" Museum of Human Anatomy
Guided tours with free access, without prior booking, from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (duration 1 hour).
The guided tours will take participants inside the Museum to discover the pre-Columbian and Ancient Egyptian archaeological collections, with mummies and rich grave goods.
Free event. Accessible to the disabled. More information: gianfranco.natale@unipi.it -or +39 050-2218610
Piazza San Paolo all'Orto, 20 - Pisa
Saturday 8 July 2023, from 20:00 to 23:00
Sculpture after hours
An extraordinary evening opening where you can admire the Apollo of the Belvedere, Hermes holding the child Dionysus, and the Aphrodite of Cyrene, are definitely worth a trip to Rome, Olympia and Cyrene. In Pisa, their ancient plaster copies will welcome you all together in the evocative setting of the church of San Paolo all'Orto, next to a hundred casts of other icons of classical sculpture.
An initiative organised by GiArA - Gipsoteca di Arte Antica e Antiquarium dell'Università di Pisa del Sistema Museale di Ateneo in collaboration with the MARSIA laboratory of the Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge.
Free event. Accessible to the disabled.
Download the small guide to Athenian monuments
Further information: info.gipsoteca@sma.unipi.it - (+39) 050 2211278
SCIENTIFIC LUDOTECA (Museum of Physics Instruments)
in collaboration with the Museum of Ancient Ships of Pisa
Lungarno Simonelli, 16 - Pisa
Tuesday 25 July 2023, 21:00
"And the Stars Are Watching". Navigation in Antiquity
Seminar organised by Sergio Giudici (Museo degli Strumenti di Fisica) and Andrea Incorvaia (Museo delle Navi Antiche di Pisa).
It seems impossible today to imagine how ancient navigators managed to orient themselves and find their way home in the immense expanse of the sea, when the compass had not yet been invented: the stars were the fundamental reference points for orientation on the water, so it is safe to say that the sailors of antiquity were guided by the sky.
The Museo delle Navi Antiche in Pisa, in collaboration with the Museo degli Strumenti di Fisica e Ludoteca Scientifica of the University of Pisa, offers an evening of stargazing using telescopes, positioned in the museum courtyard, and a lecture on navigation in antiquity.
Fee-paying event. Accessible to the disabled.
Booking required at prenotazioni@navidipisa.it or 050 47029
For information: info@navidipisa.it - 050 47029