
Domenica in musica al Palazzo Blu
Domenica in musica al Palazzo Blu
Palazzo Blu
Start date: 
End date: 

Palazzo Blu, Pisa : from October 2023 to May 2024 meetings in the auditorium on Sunday mornings.

You start with music, then history and literature. All free entry.

“Sunday morning at Palazzo Blu” is a tradition that has been consolidated and expanded over time and from this year it becomes a calendar of cultural meetings that from 8 October until May 2024. The initiatives - in the auditorium with free admission - range from music - Jazz, chamber music and performed by young talents - to the deepening of current themes, in a broader historical perspective, and to a cycle dedicated to the literature of the 20th century.

This is the schedule of appointments.

‘Giovani Talenti’, in collaboration with Accademia Strata. Appointments: 8 October 2023, 14 and 28 April 2024, 12 May 2024.

In the four meetings, coordinated by Professor Milli Russo, the best students of the Masterclasses of guitar, piano, violin and cello that take place in the Academy will play. The concerts alternate solo recitals with small chamber formations, all meetings are in the form of lectures - concert. Each meeting will be preceded by a short musicological introduction, a short listening guide to better understand the structure and expressive meaning of the pieces performed.

‘About the West’. Appointments: 29 October,12 and 26 November,10 December 2023

Today one often hears talk, for and against, of “Westerners”. The meetings, curated by Arnaldo Testi, will try to explain what we mean when Westerners and others speak of the West: how the concept of the West was formed and transformed in the course of history, the great revolutions that perhaps shaped it, the Christian revolution but also the ‘North Atlantic’ revolution and finally the West and the massive migratory movements.

‘Domenica in Jazz’, in collaboration with Pisa Jazz. Events: 22 October, 5 and 19 November, 3 and 17 December 2023

Back ‘Domeniche in Jazz’ with the meetings curated by the artistic director Francesco Mariotti, in the usual form of the lecture – concert, introduced by the historian and scholar Francesco Martinelli

"Is the peace over?" Dates: 21 January, 4 and 18 February, 3 March 2024

 The series of meetings, edited by Daniele Menozzi, will discuss the interpretations of the international situation, circulated in public opinion after the Russian aggression against Ukraine: the conflict marks the end of an era in which the planet, and in particular the Old Continent, would have enjoyed peaceful international coexistence. In the historical perspective of the new global (dis-)order born from the end of the Cold War, the picture appears very different and raises a fundamental question: is it still possible to think about the construction of the peaceful human coexistence that the birth of the United Nations wanted to achieve?

‘Domenica in musica’, in collaboration with the Area Foundation. Dates: 14 and 28 January, 11 and 25 February, 10 and 24 March 2024

In the meetings “From Romanticism to Contemporary Music”, curated by Vincenzo Maxia will be presented and performed compositions for soloists, voices and chamber groups, ranging from the 1800s to the present. A program of songs not usual in concert halls and pleasant to listen to, proposed in the form of lessons-concert.

‘Literature of the ‘900’. Dates: 17 March, 7 and 21 April, 5 May 2024

The literature of the 20th century, edited by Maria Cristina Cabani and Alberto Casadei, with the reading of excerpts and the commentary of four experimental works of narrative and poetry close to the Avanguardie, edited by experts and teachers of literature. The titles that will be at the center of the lectures are: ‘The free women of Magliano’ by Mario Tobino; ‘War Variations’ by Amelia Rosselli; ‘Aracoeli’ by Elsa Morante and ‘Lives of non illustrious men’ by Giuseppe Pontiggia.

Tutti gli incontri sono a ingresso libero, con inizio alle ore 11.00. La prenotazione on line è vivamente consigliata:

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