The year 2024 will mark the 450th anniversary of the death of two extraordinary Tuscan protagonists of our Renaissance: Cosimo I dei Medici, Duke of Florence and of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, and Giorgio Vasari, multifaceted artist and art historian.
In support of cultural events and initiatives dedicated to the two illustrious personalities, the Region of Tuscany has selected the Project ‘Pisa, the other Medici Capital.
The renovatio of the city - made explicit by various interventions on the urban facies - promoted by Cosimo I contributed to making it the second pole of the Grand Duchy, also favouring the political, cultural and economic rise of Medicean Tuscany.
The city of Pisa is preparing for the celebration by planning the Project ‘Pisa, the other Medici capital’, which will consist of an opening conference scheduled for 19 October 2024 attended by scholars and experts in the field and aimed at illustrating a reinterpretation of the legacy that Cosimo I and Giorgio Vasari left to the urban area, as well as thematic itineraries and guided tours related to the duke's activity, and will close on 27 October with an exhibition in which the graphic works on the places marked by Cosimo I and Vasari's activity, carried out during the workshop activities with schools, will be displayed.
The project is financed by the Region of Tuscany.
For reservations: pisa@italianostra.org
Telephone: +39 050-910540 and +39 050-910789
Saturday 19 October 2024, 09:30 a.m. - Aula Magna Storica -Palazzo della Sapienza
Palace of Wisdom, 19 October 3.30 pm
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 19 October 4:30 pm
Botanical Garden and Museum, 22 October 3.30, ticket at a reduced cost of € 4.00
Renaissance spaces and palaces on the Lungarni, 20 October 10 a.m.
Medici Fountains, 25 September, 20 and 26 October
Boat trip on the Arno, 27 October