The days organized by the students of the Scuola Normale for the plastic construction of buildings of the historic Pisa square return. The initiative will take place on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 November.
Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 November, from 9 am to 7 pm, will be held two days of fun, creativity and dissemination with the creation of a model of the Piazza dei Cavalieri in Pisa 50,000 bricks.
The entire facade of the Palazzo della Carovana, already built in 10,000 Lego bricks during a similar event that took place in December 2023, will be flanked by all the other facades of the Palazzi that face the Piazza, thanks to graphic projects made with a special software (stud.io) and the sponsorship of List s.p.a. The initiative, which will take place in the premises of the Scuola Normale (Sala Stemmi) in Pisa with free admission, is associated with the Cultural Enhancement Project of Piazza dei Cavalieri, and provides the possibility of guided tours to the Palazzo della Carovana.
The event aims to remind the importance of play and recreation, and offer children a fun time learning to raise their eyes and notice the diversity and aesthetic richness of buildings in Pisa, in a moment of sharing between the world of the Normal School and the community of Pisa.
Once completed, the inauguration of the work will take place on Sunday, November 24 from 9 to 10 pm. The designs of the buildings are curated by Luca Fusar Bassini; the event is organized by students and pupils of the Scuola Normale in collaboration with Luca Petraglia.
Participation in the event is free with reservation https://www.sns.it/it/evento/piazza-dei-cavalieri-50000-mattoncini-lego.