The XXV edition of the Cetilar Pisa Marathon returns on Sunday 15 December 2024!
Also this year, along with the traditional Marathon of 42.195 km, the Half Marathon or ‘Pisanina’ of 21.097 km and the Father Christmas Race will be run!
Between art, history and nature. The route is flat and fast. After the first few city kilometres, the route crosses the San Rossore Natural Park and reaches the sea. Return along the Arno, the historic river, and finish under the Leaning Tower.
Friday 13 December - Palazzo Gambacorti (Piazza XX Settembre)
noon - 8 p.m. Pisa Marathon Expo opening at 12 noon in the presence of the authorities, distribution of bibs/chips, programmes and race package. Accreditation and passes for press, guests and staff. Information, reception and hospitality area
Saturday 14 December - Palazzo Gambacorti (Piazza XX Settembre)
10 a.m.-10 p.m. distribution of bibs/chips, programmes and race package. Accreditation and passes for press, guests and staff. Information, reception and hospitality area
11:30 a.m.-noon warm-up by SanRossore Sport Village, joint mobility and muscle stretching
3-3:30 p.m. riunione pacer meeting in the Red Hall
5:30-6 p.m. warm up by SanRossore Sport Village, joint mobility and muscle stretching
Sunday 15 December - Via Niccolini, area partenza Piazza del Duomo
7:00 a.m. opening of baggage room
7:50 a.m. deadline for delivery of personal refreshments
8:00 a.m. opening of toilets in Largo Cocco Griffi
8:30 a.m. baggage drop-off time
8:45 a.m. closing of the cages
9:00 a.m. start of marathon and half marathon
10:00 a.m. arrival of the first half marathon runners
11:15 a.m. arrival of the first marathon runners
12:00 p.m. start of the prize-giving ceremony
3:30 p.m. deadline of 6 hours and 30 minutes, closing time
It is possible to register for the races exclusively online at https://www.endu.net/it/events/maratonadipisa/.
Also on Sunday 15 December, the Father Christmas Race will be held, a 4-mile route along the Lungarni di Pisa, also suitable for families, all dressed as Father Christmas! It will be possible to pick up the bib number at Palazzo Gambacorti from Friday 13 December.
Meeting point at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning at Largo Cocco Griffi, start of the race at 9 a.m.
For further information on costs and reservations: https://www.maratonadipisa.com/.