Photocontest dedicated to photographs taken by professional photographers, sports enthusiasts or citizens who tell the most striking moments of the many times that Pisa has been a city of stage or hosted even just a passage of the "Rosa race".
The photo contest "100 years of passion. Pisa and the Giro d'Italia" is promoted by the Municipality of Pisa without any profit, in order to promote the appointment of 20 May 2025 when Pisa will be stage city of the 108th edition of the Giro d'Italia. The last time it happened was in 1980 and the first time that Pisa hosted the Giro had happened in 1925, exactly 100 years ago.
The initiative invites everyone to tell, through images, the most striking moments of the many times that Pisa was a city of stage or hosted even just a passage of the "Rosa race", through photographs taken by professional photographers, By sports enthusiasts or citizens.
Participation in the competition is free, open to all and without age limits. Each participant may submit up to a maximum of 10 photographs. The members of the selection board and their families, as well as all those who in various ways collaborate in the organisation of the competition are excluded from the contest.
Colour and b/w photographs with both vertical and horizontal framing are permitted. The resolution of each photo must be 300 dpi, in JPEG (jpg) format, saved at 10 , with final dimensions greater than 35 cm. Digital intervention on the Works/ Photographic images and allowed limited to the optimization of the image. Works made by computer or where the creative intervention of photographic optimization results or is considered to be processing or manipulation are not allowed.
Each image must have a serial number, be titled and accompanied by a short caption indicating, if possible, the year and the characters portrayed. Images not meeting the specifications will not be considered.
The delivery of the works can be made by 15 March 2025:
online via Wetransfer.com at comunication@comune.pisa.it. A file format must also be attached. txt containing the title, short description of the work and the author’s brief biography. The submitted material will not be returned.
In case of photographs in traditional format, they must be delivered in original to the Press Office (Palazzo Gambacorti, piazza XX Settembre, office hours) for the appropriate transformation into digital format.
The panel, composed of professionals from the sector, will select 25 photographs that best express the theme of the Contest. The judgment of the commission is final. The admitted photographs will then be submitted to the judgment of the users of the Social channels of the Municipality of Pisa to decree the winning photograph of the photographic Contest "100 years of passion. Pisa and the Giro d'Italia".
The author of the winning photo, chosen by users of the Social channels of the Municipality of Pisa will receive an electric bicycle, donated by Pisamo srl, company for mobility of the Municipality of Pisa. Other prizes, including subscriptions to bike sharing, are also provided by Pisamo.
In addition, the 25 selected photographs will be the subject of a photographic exhibition set up in the atrium of Palazzo Gambacorti during the period between, approximately, end of March and the event of the stage of the Giro d'Italia.
Each participant is responsible for the material submitted to the competition. Therefore, it undertakes to exclude any liability of the aforementioned organizers towards third parties, including towards any subjects depicted in the photographs. The competitor must inform the interested parties (persons portrayed) in the cases and in the ways provided for by the current legislation on the processing of personal data, as well as obtain consent to the dissemination of the same. In no case will the images sent contain data that qualifies as sensitive. Each participant also declares that he is the sole author of the images sent, and therefore the sole holder of all rights, which do not infringe third party rights and that if they depict subjects for which consent or authorization is necessary, he has obtained it.
The organizers reserve the right to exclude from the competition and not publish photos that do not conform in form and subject to the terms of this call or to the generally accepted rules of public morality, ethics and decency, to protect participants and visitors. Therefore, images deemed offensive, inappropriate and harmful to human and social rights will not be admitted.
The rights to the photographs remain the exclusive property of the author who produced them, which authorizes its use for events or publications related to the contest itself and for activities relating to institutional or promotional purposes of the Municipal Administration, however without profit. Each author is personally responsible for the works submitted, and with the transmission/sending of the same to the Contest Photo permanently and expressly the organization to the reproduction on any form of the images sent, for the above-described purposes, without any purpose of profit, always taking care to mention the name of the author as provided for by Law n. 633/41 on Copyright. Each time the photos are used, they will be accompanied by the author’s name and, where possible, any explanatory notes indicated by him.
Please note that the personal data provided by the competitors will be used for activities related to the institutional or promotional purposes of the according to D.Lg. 30 June 2003 n. 196. The digital material sent will not be returned, while the paper one will be returned after scanning by the Press Office.
Further information:
Press Office - Palazzo Gambacorti, piazza XX Settembre
+39 050 910351
Main event: https://www.turismo.pisa.it/en/eventi/2025-Giro-d-Italia-in-Pisa