Saturday 6 January 2025 sees the return of the traditional appointment with the ‘Tuffo di Befana’ in Marina di Pisa. Now in its 17th edition, consolidating a tradition that aims to be a reminder of the unity, sharing and universality of gift-giving, it is organised by Avis Comunale di Pisa in cooperation with Amici del Mare di Livorno, Croce Rossa Italiana, Pubblica Assistenza and Croce Azzurra del Litorale with the collaboration of the Municipality of Pisa.
The meeting for all participants is in Piazza Sardegna at 11.00 a.m. for registration, which will be followed at 11.45 a.m. by the arrival of the Avis Befana with sweets for the children, and at 12.00 noon the first swim of the year.
The number of participants in the plunge has grown over the years, from a few dozen friends from Livorno and Pisa in 2009 to over 300 in 2023, and they come from various parts of Tuscany. The ‘twinning’ with Livorno's ‘Amici del Mare’ (Friends of the Sea), from which the Marinese initiative originated, increases the event's special significance in terms of the passion and sharing of experiencing the sea in winter. In this context, the arrival of the befana and the distribution of AVIS stockings helps to amplify the geographical scope of the initiative, making the day special by allowing the entire family to feel part of the initiative. Once again this year there will be prizes for the largest group, the youngest diver and the most mature diver.