Giardino Scotto, Bastione Sangallo
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On Sunday 6 October from 5 p.m., the historical re-enactment ‘Diis Manibus’ will take place in the Giardino Scotto and the Bastione Sangallo.
The citizens and institutions of the Pisan colony will pay solemn funeral honours to the Manes of Lucius and Gaius of the Domus Augusta, Principes Iuventutis and Patrons of Pisa.
At the end of the re-enactment, all those present will be invited to visit the dungeon where a small burial chamber will be set up.
The event is organised by the history re-enactment association Legio III Italica with the patronage of the Municipality of Pisa.
For further information: www.legioiiiitalica.net | info@legioiiiitalica.net