"I Care", the Tuscany of human values and the fight against inequalities 100 years after the birth of Don Milani.
It will be dedicated to the hundred years since the birth of Don Milani and the story of the Pisan citizen, Fulgencio Obiang Esono this year’s edition of the Feast of Tuscany, the event that recalls that Tuscany was, thanks to Pietro Lepoldo II, the first state in the world to abolish the death penalty and torture. The event will be held Friday, December 1 at the Republican Arsenals of Piazza Terzanaia, Citadel area.
Here is the program:
9:15 a.m, arrival authorities, students and guests;
9:30 a.m., flag-raising and execution of the European National Anthem, by the Symphony Orchestra and the Choir of the Liceo Musicale "G. Carducci", conducted by Masters Andrea Gorini, Laura Sarti, Lucia Neri and Raffaele Della Croce;
9:40 a.m., institutional greetings in the presence of Mayor Michele Conti, Alessandro Bargagna (President of the City Council of Pisa), Eugenio Giani (President of the Tuscany Region), Antonio Mazzeo (President of the Regional Council of Tuscany), Massimiliano Angori (President of the Province of Pisa) and Andrea Simonetti (Head of School X, territorial area of the Province of Pisa);
10:00 a.m., "100 years after the birth of Don Milani", speech by prof. Lauro Seriacopi (Vice President Fondazione D. Lorenzo Milani);
10:20 a.m., interventions of secondary school students of Pisa;
10:50 a.m., musical interlude Liceo G. Carducci;
11:00 a.m., "La vicenda del cittadino pisano Fulgencio Obiang Esono", intervento di Riccardo Buscemi, Amnesty Internationale sezione di Pisa e Avv. Francesca Carnicelli;
11:20 a.m., interventions of the Council Group Leaders;
11:50 a.m.,ernacular underlining by Lorenzo Gremigni;
12:05 a.m., conclusions;
12:15 a.m., musical finale by the Orchestra and Chorus of the Liceo Musicale G. Carducci - "Impromptu" for the String Orchestra of J. Sibelius, interlude from "Cavalleria Rusticana" by Mascagni.
The event is organized by the Municipality of Pisa, Tuscany Region and School Office Province of Pisa.