Did Caravaggio draw? Lecture by ALESSANDRO ZUCCARI (La Sapienza University, Rome - Accademia dei Lincei).
On Thursday 21 March at 4 p.m., the Museo della Grafica of Palazzo Lanfranchi, under the patronage of the Municipality of Pisa and in collaboration with the University of Pisa, will host the conference Disegnava il Caravaggio? by Alessandro Zuccari, Professor of History of Modern Art at the University La Sapienza in Rome and Accademico dei Lincei.
Institutional greetings
Elena Del Rosso (President of the Museo della Grafica)
Alessandro Tosi (Scientific Director of the Museo della Grafica)
Introducer: Lucia Tongiorgi Tomasi (Accademia dei Lincei)
Alessandro Zuccari (Rome 1954), full professor of History of Modern Art at La Sapienza University (since 2003), was for two terms president of the Master's Degree Course in Art History Studies and then coordinator of the Doctorate in Art History at the same university. Since 2020 he has been pro-rector of Artistic, Historical and Cultural Heritage at Sapienza University. A national member of the Accademia dei Lincei and a foreign member of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften in Vienna, he is also an ordinary member of the Accademia dell'Arcadia, the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani and the Accademia Raffaello in Urbino.
He edits the journal 'Storia dell'arte', founded by Giulio Carlo Argan, is on the scientific committee of other journals and directs the study series 'Arte e Storia' (De Luca Editori d'Arte).
The President of the Republic appointed him a member of the Commission for the opening of the Quirinal Palace to the public (2015) and of the Scientific Commission of the Scuderie del Quirinale (since 2017). He is a member of the History and Art Commission of the Municipality of Rome, of the Scientific Council of the ICR in Rome, and heads the Villa Farnesina Commission of the Accademia dei Lincei.
He was president of the National Committee for the 550th anniversary of the death of Fra Angelico (2005-2009), secretary-treasurer of the National Committee for the 4th Centenary of Caravaggio (2008-2012) and represents the Accademia dei Lincei in the National Committee for the 5th Centenary of Raphael.He has been a member of the Works of Art Commission of the Bank of Italy (2002-2012), a member of the Steering Committee of the Fondazione Roma (2006-2017) and a commissioner of the MIBACT competition for Art Historian officials (2016-17). His long teaching activity (from 1981/82 at the Academies of Fine Arts and from 1989/90 at the Universities of Chieti and La Sapienza) has been flanked by an intense scholarly production ranging from the 15th to the 18th century, with insights into the medieval and contemporary ages.
Museo della Grafica (Palazzo Lanfranchi, Lungarno Galilei 9) | tel. +39 050 2216060 | museodellagrafica@adm.unipi.it