/ Via delle Belle Donne

[SEZIONE] [ITINERARI] 3906 e 3912 [/ITINERARI] [CORPO]Here we are talking about another type of love, a place where perhaps some loves were born. Between Via delle Belle Donne, piazza Facchini and Via dell'Occhio, was the Red light district of Pisa…

Thu, 04/01/2021 - 16:49

/ Palazzo Gambacorti, corso Italia

[SEZIONE] [ITINERARI] 3901 [/ITINERARI] [CORPO] Defined Pallaxio in the documents of the time, it was built near the church of San Sebastiano in Kinzica (now disappeared). The construction dates back to c. 1370, built at the behest of Pietro…

Thu, 04/01/2021 - 17:51

/ Ponte di Mezzo

[SEZIONE] [ITINERARI]3901 e 3902 [/ITINERARI] [CORPO] Some documents dated between 1111 and 1155 mention a bridge between the churches of San Sebastiano in Kinzica (behind the Logge dei Banchi) and San Michele in Borgo, featuring shops, sales…

Thu, 04/01/2021 - 17:43

/ The leaf, via della Foglia

[SEZIONE] [ITINERARI] 3906[/ITINERARI] [CORPO] Via della Foglia is an alley like so many others in Pisa, but as we walk through it we can see trees and hedges overlooking from the walls of the inner courtyards, real hidden gardens. The whole city is…

Thu, 04/01/2021 - 17:16

/ Relief of Kinzica, Via San Martino

[SEZIONE] [ITINERARI] 3906 e 3912 [/ITINERARI] [CORPO] On the façade of Casa Tizzoni, dating back to the 12th century, there is a bas-relief, part of a Roman sarcophagus from the 3rd century AD, commemorating a Pisan heroine. It is said that in 1004…

Thu, 04/01/2021 - 16:59

/ Marriage of the sea, towards the end of viale D'Annunzio

[SEZIONE] [ITINERARI] 3906 e 3910 e 3901 [/ITINERARI] [CORPO] This rite was celebrated on the 6 of July to recall the maritime tradition of mutual respect between the city and the sea. Originally a large and rich procession of ships set off carrying…

Thu, 04/01/2021 - 17:08

/ The Crucifix, piazza del Crocifisso

[SEZIONE] [ITINERARI] 3906 [/ITINERARI] [CORPO]It was August 28, 1837, when a wicked hand, as the inscription states, threw a stone against the little marble Crucifix exhibited in a niche protected by a glass. Almost by miracle the stone remained…

Thu, 04/01/2021 - 16:52

/ Le Piagge and San Michele degli Scalzi

[SEZIONE] [ITINERARI]3906[/ITINERARI] [CORPO]The name comes from the use, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, of the river banks as beaches equipped with bagnetti, small wooden constructions used for undressing and wearing swimwear. From…

Fri, 04/02/2021 - 09:47

/ Institute of Biomedicine, Via San Zeno

[SEZIONE] [ITINERARI]3906 e 3904[/ITINERARI] [CORPO] Between the branches of the trees, we can see two buildings of the University of Pisa, built in 1908, which house the institute of Physiology and Biomedicine (access from Via San Zeno). The…

Fri, 04/02/2021 - 09:57

/ Sferisterio, via del Brennero

[SEZIONE] [ITINERARI]3906 e 3904[/ITINERARI] [CORPO]In the area known as the ice-house, along the walls of Porta a Lucca, we can still see the painted traces of three triangles with two Italian flags on the sides of each. They represented the limits…

Thu, 04/01/2021 - 16:32