The Arnopolis Study Center and the publishing house Pisan dreamBOOK editions, in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the City of Pisa, have decided to pay tribute to the great writer and journalist Giovannino Guareschi hosting the traveling exhibition "All the world of Guareschi" and realizing some significant events. For many reasons, Giovannino Guareschi, the father of Don Camillo and Peppone, has known in life and also subsequently a sort of ostracism that has relegated him to the margins of the great Italian literature. In fact, Guareschi was a great exponent of the national culture well beyond the worldwide success that the tetralogy of Mondo Piccolo (Don Camillo, Don Camillo and his flock, Comrade Don Camillo and Don Camillo and the young people of today) has collected translations into all languages. His human and artistic figure deserves to be known and evaluated for what it really represents in the cultural landscape: journalist, writer, cartoonist, but also man who chooses the way of the concentration camp to defend its principles, a man of faith who testifies by his writings to love and respect for spiritual values.
The project, which sees the sponsorship of the Tuscany Region, the Province of Pisa, the Municipality of Pisa and the Club dei Ventitré and the collaboration of the Regional School Office of Pisa, Acque SpA and Libreria Pellegrini, will be divided into two events.
Friday, March 15, at 16.30 at the municipal library SMSBiblio in the presence of the Councillor for Culture of the City of Pisa Filippo Bedini, will open the exhibition that will remain open until April 15 with the possibility of guided views for schools. 28 panels will tell the human and artistic story of this "famous unknown" who is Giovannino Guareschi.
At 17, always in the municipal library SMSBilbio, the presentation of the new essay by Alessandro Gnocchi, one of the leading experts of Guareschi (author of publications for Rizzoli, Ed. Paoline and Marsilio) We went with God and returned at sunset - Scorribande nel Mondo piccolo by Giovannino Guareschi (dreambook editions). They will talk with the author Filippo Bedini, Councillor for Culture of the City of Pisa, and Stefano Mecenate, owner of dreambook editions.
Saturday, April 6, starting at 17, in the Hall of the Balearic Islands of the Municipality of Pisa, National Conference "Giovannino Guareschi, the topicality of a multiform genius"; the titles of the scheduled interventions are extremely incisive: the writer, the believer, the teacher, the journalist but other contributions will be added in the coming days thanks to the collaboration of new local speakers. The introduction will be by the Councillor for Culture, Filippo Bedini, while the journalist Stefano Mecenate will coordinate the conference.