/ Piazza del Duomo - La torre pendente

Il 9 agosto 1173 iniziarono i lavori di fondazione della torre campanaria della Cattedrale di S. Maria. Si tratta di un campanile indipendente dalla chiesa, alto circa 56 metri e pesante 14.453 tonnellate. Molto probabilmente fu sotto la direzione…

Do., 11.03.2021 - 10:36

/ Piazza del Duomo, Campo Santo Monumentale

The Cemetery, forming a backdrop to the Cathedral place on its north side, was the last monument to be built, beginning in 1277 under Giovanni di Simone.It was named Campo Santo because tradition had it that the ground herewas mixed with soil from…

Do., 11.03.2021 - 10:38

/ Cathedral Place, Medieval Walls and Gates

The Cathedral Place is enclosed to the west and north by the medieval city walls framing the lawn that highlights the whiteness of the Romanesque monuments: in this part of the wall there are gates and towers, both original andinserted later.…

Do., 22.07.2021 - 17:39

/ Mura via Bixio e porta San Egidio

Some remains of the southern and western part of the 12th century city walls still stand on via Nino Bixio. There are three postern gates dating from the earliest period of this segment of walls in the southern part, while other more roughly…

Mi., 31.03.2021 - 11:13