/ Piazza del Duomo - La torre pendente

Il 9 agosto 1173 iniziarono i lavori di fondazione della torre campanaria della Cattedrale di S. Maria. Si tratta di un campanile indipendente dalla chiesa, alto circa 56 metri e pesante 14.453 tonnellate. Molto probabilmente fu sotto la direzione…

Do., 11.03.2021 - 10:36

/ Piazza del Duomo - Battistero di San Giovanni

La fondazione del battistero si data al 1152, ma la sua costruzione ha avuto una durata di oltre due secoli. La prima fase di edificazione, fino alla sommità degli archi del primo ordine, fu diretta dall’architetto Diotisalvi. Dagli inizi del XIII…

Do., 11.03.2021 - 10:44

/ Chiesa di S. Maria del Carmine

This Church faces the square of the same name, on the left side of the street now called corso Italia, but which was once via S. Gilio. The church was founded by Carmelite monks in 1325, and both it and the adjoining monastery underwent radical…

Mo., 19.10.2020 - 16:08

/ Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Galletti

The Church stands on the site of the Church of S. Salvatore mentioned in 1102 as “in Porta Aurea” because it was built close to the ancient pre-comunal southern Porta Aurea city gate. The present church was built by its patrons, the Buzzaccherini…

Mi., 31.03.2021 - 12:16

/ Chiesa di Santa Cristina

La prima attestazione di una chiesa dedicata a S. Cristina si trova in un elenco di documenti di VIII secolo d.C., ma soltanto dopo il 1000 le testimonianze la collocano nell’area di Chinzica, a sud dell’Arno. Dai documenti possiamo ricostruire che…

Do., 11.03.2021 - 11:09

/ Chiesa di Sant’Apollonia

This Church, first called S. Pietro, is mentioned in documents from 1116. In the second half of the 12th century it is documented as S. Pietro a Ischia (ad insula) and in the late 13th century is under the patronage of the Galletti family, who…

Di., 20.07.2021 - 15:38

/ Chiesa di San Zeno

The earliest evidence of the Church of San Zeno dates from 1029. In the middle ages it is described as standing in an area known as “alle grotte”, because of ancient ruins used as quarries for building materials. There are also several pieces of…

Mo., 19.10.2020 - 16:26

/ Chiesa di San Sisto in Cortevecchia

The church of St. Sisto was built in Cortevecchia in 1087, soon after the Pisan conquest of the Al Mahdiya emporium inTunisia. Here, the military victories of the Pisan Republic are celebrated, on a date when many of them occurred, 6th August, in…

Di., 20.07.2021 - 15:46

/ Chiesa di San Sepolcro

The Church, built from locally quarried stone and lit by slit windows, is octagonal in shape with a pyramidal cone-shaped roof resting on a central raised drum.In 1138 this Church is mentioned as part of a construction belonging to the Knights…

Mo., 19.10.2020 - 16:07

/ Chiesa di San Nicola

The church of S. Nicola is documented in 1097, described as depending from the Monastery of S. Michele at the Verruca. Scholarly tradition, perhaps not groundless, holds that it was founded by Marquis Ugo di Tuscia at the end of the 10th century, in…

Di., 20.07.2021 - 15:36